Linda: I won't try to defend some of the things the Klein government has let the oil companies get away with in regards to the environment. I think you and I are in agreement that lease cleanups/water injection etc. are a scandal...that will probably come back to haunt us!
If I could mention the most important thing the oil and gas industry has given us, beyond the cash, it is this: The ability to realize that we can seize opportunities and have successful businesses without having to rely on a government? Right now there a lot of ex-farmers realizing they can have a very good life without always crying for money from the federal government!
A prime example: Mid forties ex-Saskatchewan farmer who is hauling water from my water hole right now! Started out working for someone else, now he has six trucks working and is busy as a bee! Told me he makes more money in one month than he used to make in a year on his 2100 acre farm!
This is the real "Alberta Advantage"! It lets you be all you can or want to be.
If I could mention the most important thing the oil and gas industry has given us, beyond the cash, it is this: The ability to realize that we can seize opportunities and have successful businesses without having to rely on a government? Right now there a lot of ex-farmers realizing they can have a very good life without always crying for money from the federal government!
A prime example: Mid forties ex-Saskatchewan farmer who is hauling water from my water hole right now! Started out working for someone else, now he has six trucks working and is busy as a bee! Told me he makes more money in one month than he used to make in a year on his 2100 acre farm!
This is the real "Alberta Advantage"! It lets you be all you can or want to be.