FARMERS SON I am amazed that you cant see the thousands of metric tons of cheap beef being readied for the american market,from south america as I am sure you understand supply/demand.M COOL will benefit canadian beef it will diferentiate it from lesser quality south american beef......good luck
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Please do not insult our intelligence by saying that mandatory COOL is about South American beef. It is about Canadian beef, Mexican beef and keeping that beef out of the USA or at least out of the retail freezer.
You clearly target Canada as a reason for depressed beef prices while suggesting if beef imports could be reduced domestic US farm gate prices would increase due to supply and demand. If you had been through the same crisis we have you might begin to gain some appreciation for the fact that supply and demand really has little to do with the farm gate price of fat cattle. That your packers are fixing the price of your fat cattle just like this side of the border.
Viewing Canadian imports as the problem just diverts attention away from the real problem of packer control of the industry and the inability of the grass routes producer to extract a fair price from his/her production. This problem is common to both the USA and Canada.
Sir, I think you are barking up the wrong tree.
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