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Beef industry Needs the Alta Alliance

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    Beef industry Needs the Alta Alliance

    I went to an Alberta Aliance party meeting in Lethbridge Friday night. I was very impressed. Ralph has not done us any favors, and I believe is firmly related to Big Packers. He is using the beef industry as a playing card in his poker hand.
    In fact I had one of the Conservitave MLA's from the south tell me is so many words that the beef industry needs to "Cowboy UP."

    Lets terf the conservatives in Rural Alberta!

    While I don't necessarily think that we can turf the PC's, what we can do is to lessen the majority that they have enjoyed over the past 33 years. If we're lucky we can get it to the point where the PC's must be far more accountable for what they do.

    I just wish the Green Party could have run more candidates in the rural ridings. I like what they have to say.


      Face the truth cockadodledo -
      Kline wants to fix Health Care - although he won't tell us how. And If I remember he has been the one that broke it.
      Kline brags about being dept free, FINALLY, who got us into debt. - his party.
      And the story can go on forever. Check out the facts.
      I'll bet you voted Liberal in the Fed. election too.


        The Verdict is in!

        Ralph has sold out Alberta (and Canada as well). Every year each Alberta family of four gives over $12,000 in net transfer payments to Ottawa so they can dole it out to the "have-not" provinces. At the First Ministers conference Ralph gladly agreed to increase that amount to over $17,000 per year.

        If Albertans knew about this they would be irate. The media ignored it in the spirit of staying politically correct and Klein's election team covered it up in the spirit of not embarrassing themselves.

        It doesn't matter if you're PC, Alliance, NDP, or Liberal or whatever, you should be hopping mad!

        If you've already had enough go to www.ralphsoldusout.com to take a couple of minutes and send off letters to politicians and add your name to the petition that says Albertans have had enough - there are much better ways of spending this money and we want to have a say in that.


        If you'd like to learn more about how Ralph sold us out, then please read on.

        The day before Ralph went to the First Ministers conference on transfer payments 2 weeks ago, he made it clear with much bravado that Alberta's new surpluses were "off limits" to Ottawa. The next day the national news reported that a "conciliatory" Klein (see article at the end of this email) wholeheartedly supported a $28 Billion increase in transfer payments over the next 10 years. Alberta's share of that? $21 Billion. (At a minimum - See below for calculation). That's $21 Billion in addition to the $100 Billion in transfer payments we're committed to paying Ottawa (with most of it going to Quebec) over the next 10 years.

        What on earth happened?

        This was probably the greatest opportunity for Ralph to leave a legacy for Alberta as well as Canada by using Alberta's negotiating power to implement critical changes to a system that is destroying Canada - one tax payer dollar at a time.

        What on earth was Ralph thinking? Was he more concerned about leaving the conference early to go to his favorite casino where he spent much of the last First Ministers Conference on health care? Does he not care anymore about the future of Alberta and Canada? Is he doing the same thing that Jean Chretien did a year before he retired - make decisions that benefit him personally for his retirement? Something was definitely wrong for such an about-face to occur.

        Ralph sat face to face with Paul Martin and the leaders of other Provinces to negotiate a new five-year agreement on "Equalization," the federal government program which takes $10 billion from Alberta each year and gives it primarily to Quebec.

        It was his last opportunity to fix the seriously flawed equalization system and re-focus our Provincial and Federal Government's priorities. It was an opportunity to make a statement to the Federal government that Canadians are sick and tired of Ottawa taking our money and filtering it through to their friends and cronies and using that money to buy votes with dead end economic programs. It was his opportunity to take some of that money and put it towards our own problems in Alberta such as:

        * Rising health care waiting times (now twice as long as when Ralph took over 11 years ago)

        * Highest infant mortality rate in Canada

        * A crisis in the Agriculture industry

        * Soaring natural gas and electricity costs

        * Record-high auto insurance premiums (up 44.25%)

        * A 65% increase in Government spending

        * Deteriorating school system

        While Ralph was busy giving away $2.1 Billion a year, his Health Minister Gary Mar was making an announcement that Alberta can't afford to cancel Health fees - it would cost far too much - $900 Million. He's right - with a Premier that's too busy giving away our money to Ottawa, we can't afford much of anything!

        He failed miserably. The media actually reported that Ralph left the meeting early and commented that he trusted Paul Martin would do the "right thing".

        What on earth happened? We at United Voice are flabbergasted at the complete negligence of Mr Klein's duties to the taxpayers of Alberta. We view the current transfer payment system as the most harmful government program in Canada and now Mr Klein has become one of its major proponents - at the expense of not only Alberta families, but all Canadians.

        In all of our campaigns that we have lead against unaccountable politicians all across Canada, we have never seen such an abrupt about-face on such a critical issue than what we have seen Ralph do in the 24 hour period before and during the First Ministers meeting.

        United Voice is launching an all out attack on this blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars - the flawed transfer payment system and those politicians (such as Ralph) that openly support it. The same one that Ottawa uses to line its own corrupt pockets and buy votes from the rest of the "have-not" provinces in the country.

        The ironic thing is that most of these "have-not" provinces would be much better off without this transfer payment system. The experts agree.

        The economist Fred McMahon, formerly of Halifax, wrote about this problem in the November edition of Fraser Forum.

        He says, "Canada transfers more regional equalization funds than any other country in the world. As a direct result, other countries or regions that were stagnant a generation ago (i.e. Ireland, the Dixie cotton states, Taiwan) have adapted and are now prosperous in their own right while Atlantic Canada is still hooked on political hand-outs that Ottawa transfers from Alberta."

        So what is the solution?

        Three simple improvements to the equalization system would immediately give the provinces the ability to solve many of their problems. The 3 Step Plan would include:

        1. Removing non-renewable resources revenue from equalization. The transfer payment system was originally designed to do this. Many of the provinces including those on the East coast would benefit from this.

        2. Returning to a full ten province standard instead of the current five (Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia). This will ensure that each Province is evaluated according to their real need and not their political connections in Ottawa.

        3. Instituting a "Responsibility Clause" that says Provinces should not be eligible for equalization if their spending is higher than the national average. This would send a clear message that only those provinces that are willing to help themselves and act responsibly by having their finances in order, will receive transfer payments.

        There will be many that receive these payments that will claim this is unfair to Quebec and the other provinces. Nothing could be further from the truth.

        The Plan is fair, responsible, and equitable across the country, especially now that some of the provinces are developing their own natural resources. Newfoundland would lose just $6 per person. The Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, and Manitoba would only lose $44-$69 per person. It is not a matter of selfishness. It's a question of results. After giving Quebec $201 billion through equalization, Albertans are more! ! than justified in asking "Has it worked?" The answer is clearly "No." Improvements must be made.

        Ralph failed us at the First Ministers meeting last Tuesday. He sold out Alberta and Canada. He took the easy road with Ottawa. Now the citizens of Alberta and other provinces must take matters into their own hands.

        Please take a couple of minutes and forward this email to as many people as you can and go to www.ralphsoldusout.com to sign the petition and send off letters to your MLA, MP, every premier in Canada, the Prime Minister and others.

        Thanks for caring enough about the future of Alberta and Canada to ACT!

        Scott Dow
        United Voice
        Now You're Being Heard!

        Transfer Payment Math:

        This year in Canada exactly two provinces - Alberta and Ontario - will contribute to the federal equalization payment pool, while the other eight provinces and three territories are on the receiving end. Ontario is quickly moving towards becoming a have-not province which will leave only Alberta footing the entire federal equalization bill. According to Stats Canada, Alberta CONTRIBUTES about $3,000 per person per year. Provinces like PEI and New Brunswick RECEIVE $1776 and $1537 per person respectively. This means that a family of four living in Alberta earning $30,000 dollars a year will pay $12,000 to other p! ! rovinces; $3500 will go towards community improvements for a family of two earning $150,000 per year in PEI.

        It doesn't end there. This year alone, Alberta will contribute close to $10 billion to the transfer payment system, and since the year 1961, Alberta has contributed nearly $170 billion to the federal transfer pot. Not once in that time have we ever received a penny from this fund. In contrast, Quebec has received $201 billion since 1961.

        There are many different ways to calculate Alberta's share of transfer payments - they all fall within the range of 75% to 95%. In Klein's own words, "We already provide, I think, three-quarters of the country with equalization payments and we don't want to be roped into something that is going to be deemed to be unfair to Albertans."

        For our purposes we'll use the most conservative number - 75%. Even though the future looks more like Alberta will be providing between 90% to 100% of the transfer payments for this rest of the country.

        Klein conciliatory at meeting


        OTTAWA (CP) - Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, who has been the spoiler at some first ministers gatherings, left Tuesday's meeting happy with a federal proposal to improve the country's equalization program.

        A day earlier, he had called a provincial vote for Nov. 22, promising loudly to stand up to Ottawa to protect Alberta interests. On the first full day of his re-election campaign, however, Klein was content with a federal offer to give poorer provinces more money under equalization.

        The program sees Ottawa transfer provincial tax dollars from richer provinces - currently Ontario and Alberta - to poorer ones.

        Ottawa has agreed to pay $10.9 billion next year, with an escalator clause that would provide additional increases in subsequent years.

        "$10.9 billion, that's good," said Klein, who left the meeting a bit early.

        "With an escalator, whatever that may be, that's all right too."

        He also lauded a New Brunswick proposal to create a panel that would review the equalization formula in years to come.

        He appeared confident that Prime Minister Paul Martin's government would accept the plan.

        However, he voiced some frustration at the federal insistence that it solely appoint members of the panel.

        "This causes us some concern because (federal finance minister Ralph) Goodale pointed out that the panel will look at all sources of revenue, including revenues from non-renewable resources."

        He said he had been worried about suggestions from Quebec that oil and natural gas revenues be included in the overall equalization formula - a change that would bite into Alberta's revenues.

        But after the meeting, he said: "I'm not too concerned now."

        He said he left the meeting early because, "My concerns, basically, have been alleviated.

        On Monday, Klein began his fourth provincial election campaign with all the political fire that Canadians have come to expect from him.

        "Let's build an Alberta that stands up to Ottawa to protect its interests," he shouted to a crowd of sign-waving supporters at a packed Edmonton hotel.

        In calling the Nov. 22 election, Klein said he needs a strong mandate from Albertans to deal with the new government in Ottawa.


          I read you would like a better distribution of the wealth here in Alberta.

          One simple solution cockadoddldoo. STOP RALPH's pipline from pouring so much money into the power brokers of Eastern Canada!!!


            Ivbenconed nice to see a little on alta without fed bashing I dont know where you get all this stuff but I hope you keep this site informed although those like linda will never see the light but some people will and as long as there are some of us trying to point out the falings of this govmt just mabey we will at least get an efective oposition.
            I dont think changing govmts would do alot but it would keep them a little more honest as I believe it is the serior buracrats that realy run the show.


              my bet is that the only increase in opposition may be in Edmonton. I really doubt if any MLA's in rural AB will lose their seats, although I have been wrong about elections before !!!!


                Horse you are right about who runs the show and those people come from places like Cargill they act like a bunch of school yard bullies! Anyway expect help from those folks and you are doomed!


                  Written by Smaug from another web site;

                  Alberta will remain politily powerless untill the people of Alberta re-discover the courage of their pioneer ancestors. There will be no changes to our federal system untill Albertans stand up for themselves and declare themselves free.

                  The federal government maintains itself by pillaging the 65 percent of people who vote against them and paying off the thirty five percent of people who voted for them. Thus Alberta is and will remain powerless within confederation as it exist today. No amount of whining, no amount of messages, nothing will dislodge the federal government from gaining power through stealing from Alberta to buy the votes of Central Canada.

                  In the last 100 years, what has the federal government done for Albertans .... given us a second rate health care system that is the joke of the western world at four times the cost of what it is worth on a free market. Albertans are suffering and dying on hospital waiting lists while us Alberta panzies let the government funnel 'our' money to Quebec at the rate of a million dollars an hour.

                  And does Quebec need the money? No. Quebec already has a better standard of living than Alberta. The Quebec government spends some 80 billion dollars a year more than all four western provinces combined even though they have three million less people than the combined populations of the four western provinces.

                  People, these poicies are no 'accident' that Alberta can overcome by shouting and waving placards.


                    wd40: So what did the Alliance have to say about how they would solve the beef crisis?
                    Somehow I'm just having a hard time really getting into this election. I guess you could call it apathy! I see Ralph Klein winning by a landside?


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