The first post on this thread I also posted on an Ontario non-agricultural site and the response supportive of the beef industry. But on the other hand very hard on Suzuki. The following is one of the posts:
The worst part of it all is that Suzuki is a trained scientist.
More like a trained huckster........ironically Hollywood has graced us with the movie on Kinsey this month so we can see the paralells between Kinsey's life long quest to cloak his own perversions by cleansing it as science....he was an trained entomologist...he studied this qualified him to become the formost authority in human sexuality by associating with prostitutes and homosexuals is beyond scientific's a matter of left wing propaganda creating an icon to debase and deconstruct scientific and social norms.......similarly Suzuki gained fame for counting fruit flies as a endo this qualifies him to be the authorative spokesman for every errant pseudo-scientific orthodoxy the left wants to evangelize is a matter for quantum leaps of must look to the realms of covert politics and public manipulation by corrupted mass media for the answers.
the time has come for us to start the process of deflating these many false idols/icons of the loony deconstructionist left.
Suzuki is another lefty parasite milking the public teat with phoney scare mongering......there are real scientists that are in the process of publicly exposing this pseudo science bunkum and ravaging the unseemly repuations if its an effort to rescue pure science's reputaion form broader public disrepute.
Suzuki is running a con...and his 7 figure bank account proves it.....time for some iconoclastic investigation. Again we see the CBC complicit in a crime of public misinformation/manipulation......the reconing is near for both these sourses of disinformation
The worst part of it all is that Suzuki is a trained scientist.
More like a trained huckster........ironically Hollywood has graced us with the movie on Kinsey this month so we can see the paralells between Kinsey's life long quest to cloak his own perversions by cleansing it as science....he was an trained entomologist...he studied this qualified him to become the formost authority in human sexuality by associating with prostitutes and homosexuals is beyond scientific's a matter of left wing propaganda creating an icon to debase and deconstruct scientific and social norms.......similarly Suzuki gained fame for counting fruit flies as a endo this qualifies him to be the authorative spokesman for every errant pseudo-scientific orthodoxy the left wants to evangelize is a matter for quantum leaps of must look to the realms of covert politics and public manipulation by corrupted mass media for the answers.
the time has come for us to start the process of deflating these many false idols/icons of the loony deconstructionist left.
Suzuki is another lefty parasite milking the public teat with phoney scare mongering......there are real scientists that are in the process of publicly exposing this pseudo science bunkum and ravaging the unseemly repuations if its an effort to rescue pure science's reputaion form broader public disrepute.
Suzuki is running a con...and his 7 figure bank account proves it.....time for some iconoclastic investigation. Again we see the CBC complicit in a crime of public misinformation/manipulation......the reconing is near for both these sourses of disinformation