Cowman - if the grain farmers in the prairies had TRULY supported the fellows who went to jail for their small grain transaction - TRULY - then you can be sure they would not have been arrested. However, there are not many who would be willing to dumpt 500 tons of wheat in major intersections to get their point across. Not enough people were ready to shut down Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg. They had the power and did not use it.
There are too few who are really ready to fight for their rights to a fair treatment. Far easier to sit on their asses and watch some other poor sap take it on the chin.
In fact the cattle guy in the west is not ready to put up or shut up - most of them are hoping they can negotiate a small piece if the pie. In fact they actually have the power to make happen WHATEVER they want to make happen. It just takes gonads. The damned producer in teh west OWNS the pie and begs for a small piece. Typical.
Can't run a business without product. Either withold the product, or make it impossible to move the product. Not for one day, but for two months. You would be surprized at the reactions. Suddenly it would be the processors that started to squeal from pain.
Never happen in your part of the world - not enough people that have that type of courage.
As a speaker freom the UPA said at a local meeting some few months back - to us in Ontario.
"You are not ready yet. You are not hurting enough. Only when you really start to hurt will you act. We were. We acted and we won".
There are too few who are really ready to fight for their rights to a fair treatment. Far easier to sit on their asses and watch some other poor sap take it on the chin.
In fact the cattle guy in the west is not ready to put up or shut up - most of them are hoping they can negotiate a small piece if the pie. In fact they actually have the power to make happen WHATEVER they want to make happen. It just takes gonads. The damned producer in teh west OWNS the pie and begs for a small piece. Typical.
Can't run a business without product. Either withold the product, or make it impossible to move the product. Not for one day, but for two months. You would be surprized at the reactions. Suddenly it would be the processors that started to squeal from pain.
Never happen in your part of the world - not enough people that have that type of courage.
As a speaker freom the UPA said at a local meeting some few months back - to us in Ontario.
"You are not ready yet. You are not hurting enough. Only when you really start to hurt will you act. We were. We acted and we won".