KPB if you think small womt work where do you expect to pick up those additional calves or are you going to keep 800 cows . Lee Nielson says that most of the cattle they handle at the market are still from 80 cow herds I think you dont see the big picture where will you access those calves when there are no little guys faces to stand on I think the quote once was the little dogs like to crap on the bigest pile.
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Quebec cows?
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Horse, I'm not sure I'm standing on any little guy's faces when I buy newly weaned calves in the fall and feed and grass 'em til they're big. Anyways I didn't say that little farms won't exist--they will---but they can not be self-supporting operations. Do you really think you can support yourself on 40 or 80 cows? There's no way unless you have some outside dough or an outside job.
The average cow herd in Alberta is about 40 head. I can assure you that none of those people who have 40 head of cattle are living off their cows. So these people will always be there for me to buy their calves--they don't really care what price they get for their calves since they aren't living off them anyway and it's really a life style decision.
In reality I think you need about 300 cows just to make a living off them and nothing else. The thing is I don't work off the farm and neither does my wife. Our living solely comes from cattle--our own herd and the calves we buy. We cannot make a living from running a small farm as the Wendell Berrys of the world propose and neither can anyone else.
Horse, there is no risk of the small cow man going out of business because his operation is not run as a business since he does not really care if he makes money or not. And, therefore, there's never going to be a shortage of pre-sort calves for me to buy in the fall.
Kpb: I believe what you say is absolutely true.
I would question how you think $332 gross is really a good price? Really doesn't wash if you consider any kind of return on your "real" investment in land, machinery, feed and capital?
But having said that I do believe your return(barring another BSE case) will in all probability far exceed that!
If I was thirty years younger and had unlimited resources I'd be buying every darned animal I could!
Cheap feed, cheap cattle, great expectations of the border opening...looks like opportunity knocking!
When the border does open someone is going to make one hell of a lot of just might be you!
Hi Bez and Cakadu,
I haven't been so enthralled with a message thread since first coming to Agriville!
I have just skimmed over the UPA website, but I couldn't find any membership information. How much does membership in UPA cost? Membership in the National Farmers' Union is $150 for a family membership, and I'd like something to compare that figure with.
Generally, it makes sense that Quebec would be at least a hundred years or so ahead of us in terms of aricultural organisation. They were settled long before Alberta had been discovered, and have given us at least two livestock breeds: The Canadienne Cow and the Canadienne Horse.
I look forward to more news about the UPA, and particularly their controlling ownership of processing plants. That is an example of agricultural "Vertical Integration" at it's very best. We could all benefit from their experiences, I'm sure.
Redhen; In the thread started Oct.21 called "Quebecs approach" you can read about the UPA. Near the end of that thread we delt a bit with membership and premiums. You belong to the UPA if you sell product and you pay a portion of the premium in the ASRA programs.
BUT you do not need to pay your portion of the premium up is just deducted from your support cheque.
The programs have been generous and it has resulted in a healthy turnover of farm enterprises to the younger generation with the average age much lower than in the west.
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