Thank you for your usual thoughtfull reply farmers_son, I agree particularily with your analysis of the Quebec protests.
Where you really misunderstand me is when you dismiss the NFU as some type of lunatic organisation to be avoided like the plague. I came to this country with no prior involvement with a farmers union, the Scottish one was useless - kind of like ABP. On examination the NFU in Canada, although insignificant numerically, stands up for the values I believe in - supporting the family farm accross all sectors through reasoned research and policy documents presented to Government. Although numerically small the members of the Union have been punching far above their weight in this crisis, assisting the Beef Initiative Group meetings by ensuring good turnouts at some of their meetings, being involved in promoting attendance and good candidates standing in ABP producer meetings as well as being invited to meet with the Alberta Ag minister on a regular basis for the first time. They have also been acting as a go between for individuals trying to set up the new slaughter plants in an effort to help these plants get built. None of this is funded by producer checkoff and unlike the ABP they do not have a $12 million budget of producer money to squander.
I'm proud to say I am a member and support the organisation 100% - if people don't like that or label me a lunatic so be it. If you or anyone else does not support mobilising primary producers to fight their corner in a desperate situation because you belong to a different clique or group - shame on you , that is why producers get walked all over time and again. It's time to smarten up and get over these petty differences if we are to improve our lot. This rally is about primary producers getting on their feet and speaking directly to Government and the media - if it fails because of redneck perceptions of anything containing the word "union" I will be very dissapointed in this great Province I have made my home in.
Where you really misunderstand me is when you dismiss the NFU as some type of lunatic organisation to be avoided like the plague. I came to this country with no prior involvement with a farmers union, the Scottish one was useless - kind of like ABP. On examination the NFU in Canada, although insignificant numerically, stands up for the values I believe in - supporting the family farm accross all sectors through reasoned research and policy documents presented to Government. Although numerically small the members of the Union have been punching far above their weight in this crisis, assisting the Beef Initiative Group meetings by ensuring good turnouts at some of their meetings, being involved in promoting attendance and good candidates standing in ABP producer meetings as well as being invited to meet with the Alberta Ag minister on a regular basis for the first time. They have also been acting as a go between for individuals trying to set up the new slaughter plants in an effort to help these plants get built. None of this is funded by producer checkoff and unlike the ABP they do not have a $12 million budget of producer money to squander.
I'm proud to say I am a member and support the organisation 100% - if people don't like that or label me a lunatic so be it. If you or anyone else does not support mobilising primary producers to fight their corner in a desperate situation because you belong to a different clique or group - shame on you , that is why producers get walked all over time and again. It's time to smarten up and get over these petty differences if we are to improve our lot. This rally is about primary producers getting on their feet and speaking directly to Government and the media - if it fails because of redneck perceptions of anything containing the word "union" I will be very dissapointed in this great Province I have made my home in.