Bez and Cowman, I agree completely with your comments regarding quotes but I'm afraid the chances of a quota system for the beef producers is next to zero. I have been suggesting a quota system for our industry though many different threads on this forum with very little support.
In my humble opinion most cattlemen are just too darn stubborn and proud to get out of their own way.
If we really want a sustainable, producer-owned industry, it's quite simple---run it like the dairy guys where we contol production and own the processing facilities. Like I said in a previous post, ask the government to support a cull of excess cows through a subsidy then leave us to supply the domestic market. It would be cheaper to the government in the long run than all these crazy programs.
That's it fellows--it's a way to get ourselves a decent living for a long time to come and a way for us to get off this boom-bust treadmill and all work together for a solid indistry future. But my bet, Bez, is that there will be a lot of people taking shots and not too many supporting a quota system. All I can say is that it makes me laugh to watch everybody moaning and complaining and organizing rallys to get more government support for our industry and crying the blues about the producer not getting a decent price for the product or being used by the packers AND at the same time not wanting a quota system because it's anti free enterprise.
You guys are going to have to make up your minds sometime--if you want free enterprise than you're going to have to swallow it when the packers get as much money as they can out of you or when you have to take low prices because there's a glut of calves on the market. Can't have it both ways--capitalism cuts both ways.
In my humble opinion most cattlemen are just too darn stubborn and proud to get out of their own way.
If we really want a sustainable, producer-owned industry, it's quite simple---run it like the dairy guys where we contol production and own the processing facilities. Like I said in a previous post, ask the government to support a cull of excess cows through a subsidy then leave us to supply the domestic market. It would be cheaper to the government in the long run than all these crazy programs.
That's it fellows--it's a way to get ourselves a decent living for a long time to come and a way for us to get off this boom-bust treadmill and all work together for a solid indistry future. But my bet, Bez, is that there will be a lot of people taking shots and not too many supporting a quota system. All I can say is that it makes me laugh to watch everybody moaning and complaining and organizing rallys to get more government support for our industry and crying the blues about the producer not getting a decent price for the product or being used by the packers AND at the same time not wanting a quota system because it's anti free enterprise.
You guys are going to have to make up your minds sometime--if you want free enterprise than you're going to have to swallow it when the packers get as much money as they can out of you or when you have to take low prices because there's a glut of calves on the market. Can't have it both ways--capitalism cuts both ways.