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Pine needle abortions

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    Pine needle abortions

    Apparently our ag rep had never heard of such a thing before and neither had I. We usually have one abortion every year or two out of our 50 cows, and as far as I can remember, they happen about mid-winter (December to early February) when we are feeding hay.

    We have one field on a sand ridge that grows alot of spruce seedlings every year, which go through the haybine with everything else. Add to the fact that spruce, cedar and balsam fir surround the farm, I think I now have the answer to our little abortion problem. Although I never thought it could be a viral problem (due to the lack of other symptoms), there never seemed to be any other explanations for the odd abortion or two. Also, if it were a viral problem, I would expect more then one abortion from the same cow (over the years) and a progressive spread of the virus through the herd.

    Just wondering what everyone else's take on this was? Have any of you had a 'pine needle abortion' confirmed?


    According to Cattle exports. It is normal to have a 1 to 2 % abortion rate in cattle. It just happens, no reason just something goes wrong with the fetis or the cow runs a tempature because of getting sick, or bunted in the side at the hay feeder or slips on ice. Just cull the cow and go on.
    Also about one percent of cattle can come back in heat and be 8 or 9 months in calf, and if you got a bull running with the cows, he will jump the cow and you will have a dead calf in the morning. That is why, don't run a bull with cattle you know are in calf.


      Oh I know. I have watched cows slip on ice pretty bad and then the cow is in heat a couple of weeks later. I would never run a bull with cows late in their second or third trimester. Of course, there are always possibilities for all kinds of flukes and mishaps. I am just interested to know if anyone else has suspected pine needles or knows of someone that has had problems with 'pine needle abortion.' This is more of a 'inquiry and interest' thread, then a 'really need to know thread.'


        Check out:

        "Ponderosa pine needles have long been associated with abortion in cattle. Abortions have usually occurred in the third trimester of pregnancy (the last three months). The abortions have been characterized by a mucous discharge from the vagina, weak uterine contractions, incomplete cervical and vaginal dilation, dystocia (difficult birth which requires assistance), and retained placenta. After aborting, the cattle often have severe uterine infections (metritis) which requires treatment and may prevent the cow from becoming pregnant again in a reasonable period of time. Additionally, some cattle experiencing pine needle abortion become very ill and a few become paralyzed. Occasionally, a calf will be born alive; however, they tend to be small, weak, and susceptible to respiratory disease.

        Recently, a component of pine needles has been shown to be the probable cause of the abortions. It is a chemical compound called isocupressic acid (eye-SO-Que-pres-ik' acid). When this compound is fed to pregnant cattle in the third trimester of pregnancy, it would predictably cause abortions. These abortions were identical to those seen in nature caused by Ponderosa pine needles. Also, the isocupressic acid caused abortions in a dose-related manner. That is to say, there was a critical dose at which the abortions occurred. At lower doses of isocupressic acid there were fewer abortions. Above the critical dose of isocupressic acid, the abortions occurred rapidly-often within three to four days of the time the pregnant cows were first dosed with isocupressic acid. The isocupressic acid in the Ponderosa pine needles appear to be the most important chemical component that causes abortions. However, there are a number of other compounds in the pine resins that may also cause disease in cattle. Materials found in the pine tips or new pine growth contain toxins that cause severe kidney damage and paralysis in cattle...

        Also: http://beef-mag.com/mag/beef_needle_nightmare/

        I would suggest sending in the aborted fetus for analysis, might pinpoint pine needles or some other cause.


          After reading some of those other symptoms on the latter site, such as cows not letting down their milk, I am thinking pine needles are precisely the problem. Yes, a fetus analysis is definately needed to know for sure. Thanks farmers_son.


            cows will chew on shingles and the pine tar can cause them to abort. There is something that they find appealing about the taste of pine in any form I think.


              Thinks for the heads up on pine needles. I guess when you don't have any pine trees you don't know about a problem with them.
              When I was doing a bit of landscaping around the house I hears, not to plant Yews because they are poisonus to cattle if they eat them.


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