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Industry Consultation on Livestock Marketing and Brand Inspection Laws

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    Industry Consultation on Livestock Marketing and Brand Inspection Laws

    AAFRD announced today that they will hold public meetings to hear from all 'corners of the province' regarding any proposed changes to the above laws.
    The meetings are as follows:

    January 11 Grande Prairie
    January 12 Edmonton, O'Donohue Bldg.
    January 17 Airdrie
    January 18 Lethbridge

    This sounds like a very proactive approach to getting a buy in from the community where the proposed facility is to be located.
    I imagine that the stakeholders in the proposed plant are hoping to avoid the huge opposition that Ranchers Choice received from residents of Calgary.
    I have always felt that you can never provide too much information to the general public, it is the fear of the unkown, and the rumors that always circulate about new development that gets the public up in arms. The best policy is always to make people who may be affected aware of all aspects of proposed development.


      I'm in agreement with you emrald. It also helps to ensure that you address each of the concerns that someone has even if they seem irrelevant to you, because to them they ARE relevant.

      It also helps when proposing a new idea to come across as being approachable and willing to work towards solutions that are agreeable to the majority.

      There will be the odd few who won't be happy no matter what you propose, but you find those no matter where you go.


        My point is friends that as beef producers we are content to remain as a 'Third World Country' and wash our hands of our raw material and let the Barons of the world reep the REAL Value. Shame, Shame on us.

        If you are one of those you don't have a leg to stand on when complaining about the beef industry.

        Lets grow up, it's high time we grew up and take back control.


          wd40, I'm afraid I don't understand your opposition to the project. Aren't producers involved in this initiative ?


            Sorry the answer is no. The iniative is a single Albertan. That's good, however I really feel that the brightest future lies in producers waking up to the incredible possibilities available to producers and consumers if we would bury (once and for all) our narrow/short sighted focus that is so self centered we litterly are shooting our selves in the foot and don't know it.
            Get out of the box, look out of the box and think out of the box.

            Check out USPB.com


              You’re right Wd. Whats even worse, I hear from a contact in Alberta that a group from Calgary area are courting the number 3 multinational in the US who are seriously looking at building a plant in Southern Alberta. If that happens....my cows are down the road.


                wd, I'm afraid you're about 10 years too late. There's no way we're going to take back control of our industry all the way to the consumer--the government won't support new producer-owned plants, the producers won't invest in their own plants (check out the current funding problems) and, in any event, the multi's arent going to roll over for us.
                So, unless you've got a bright idea I suggest you sit back and enjoy our corrupt world of control by foreign-based multi-nationals.


                  ivbinconned, Is that ConAgra you refer to or did they get taken over by someone else?


                    As with any investment it has to make sense, I agree fully that with the concept of value chains and producer participaction all the way to the table but I have watched sadly the events of the last year and listened as my grandfather has told me it reminds him so strongly of the feelings that started the cooperative movements in the 30's with the wheat pools and the farmers unions and such. I sit here with stocks from Agricore United on the pile of papers on my desk once in a while I pull them out and think of what happened with that once proud company now simply a puppet of ADM and its desires. The only way cooperatives could make it is if they don't become top heavy and non responsive to the marketplace like AWP became.
                    I have traveled alot of miles to different meeetings on different proposals for beef plants the last year and very many all had one thing in common when you got to the details in the fine print. The control in each as well as the majority of the profits were going to flow to a few individuals within. I went to one meeting on a proposed cow / bull plant there were guys writing cheques after the verbal sales pitch without reading the offering documents I took them home and read them and to my mind on that one there are three guys who are going to pull out hundereds of thousands in profits before it kills a cow. IS this a sound proposal?? My grandfather also likes to tell me about the people in the thirties who went from town to town praying on the fears and despair of the people and selling them on false hopes for only a few of their remaining dollars and that has been going on. There are good proposals and there are bad just be careful where you decide to place your bets.
                    I truly want to see strong value chains that provide better returns to producers for their product and if one comes along that is affordable to me and is a true copperative with a strong business plan I am in with both feet.


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