wd, believe me I didn't create my operation by wallowing but, rather, by being realistic. And I've yet to hear just what your great idea is to take back control of our industry. If you're just proposing yet another of the 250 or so plants on the drawing boards for Alberta, than you're just a dreamer along with all these other guys who can't raise money for their dreams.
The only way to gain control of the industry is through government intervention--they're the only ones big enough to take on the multi's and make a meaningful change. That's what they've finally realized in the U.S. and that's what we need to see here too.
I still haven't heard why anyone thinks why any local plants that eventually do get going will be able to compete with the mutli's except for niche markets. Is that what we're aiming for--little niche markets in our own country and leave the big stuff to the big boys? WD, unless you've got some realistic business proposals instead of wool-gathering about "ending empires" and "fighting with my last breath" I suggest YOU shut up.
The only way to gain control of the industry is through government intervention--they're the only ones big enough to take on the multi's and make a meaningful change. That's what they've finally realized in the U.S. and that's what we need to see here too.
I still haven't heard why anyone thinks why any local plants that eventually do get going will be able to compete with the mutli's except for niche markets. Is that what we're aiming for--little niche markets in our own country and leave the big stuff to the big boys? WD, unless you've got some realistic business proposals instead of wool-gathering about "ending empires" and "fighting with my last breath" I suggest YOU shut up.