Mr. Kaiser
Really covering a diverse "Whole Industry" perview gives WRAP the ability to maintain a fairly resonable and objective ability to attract members from the entire spectrum of producers and thusly represent the overall avergae of the province much better than specific industry groups, especially when it comes to whole farm issues. ie environment, pesticide regulations, federal provincial safety net agreements. Wild Rose is not just interested in a specific sectors or group within a sectors survival but rather a dynamic and well positioned industry as a whole. In order for all of us in the industry to be profitable we need a diverse range of products and commodities all interacting and communicating. And then those viewpoints have to be taken forward as a relection of a democratically arrived at position reflecting the wishes or opinions of the industry as a whole. That gets better reaction from policy makers than 50 different groups with 50 different opinions.
As far as a resolution for a levy for a producer owned industry in Alberta it would have to come from the regional meetings all of which have been held I haven't seen the resolutions to presented on the 6th of January as of yet so I couldn't tell you if there is or not.
However I can tell you that if there is one it will be debated and the members present at the meeting on the 6th will decide the position that would be adopted as WRAPs position on such a levy. Democracy and involvement, much like any board or organization the ones that are involved can make a great difference,and the positions of organizations and boards tend to reflect the veiwpoints of those that can either afford the time or understand that they have to spend the time.
As far as you buying a membership thats a decision you have to make I invite you to come to the seminar and talk to some of the directors and members and see if they are a gruop you would like to be asssociated with. Then make you're own decisions. And take note of the speakers that want to come and talk, and the issues they cover that should give you a decent reflection of what policy makers think of this group already. And the type of issues that we need a group of this type for. Last I heard there were still a few spots for the seminar on the 5th.
Really covering a diverse "Whole Industry" perview gives WRAP the ability to maintain a fairly resonable and objective ability to attract members from the entire spectrum of producers and thusly represent the overall avergae of the province much better than specific industry groups, especially when it comes to whole farm issues. ie environment, pesticide regulations, federal provincial safety net agreements. Wild Rose is not just interested in a specific sectors or group within a sectors survival but rather a dynamic and well positioned industry as a whole. In order for all of us in the industry to be profitable we need a diverse range of products and commodities all interacting and communicating. And then those viewpoints have to be taken forward as a relection of a democratically arrived at position reflecting the wishes or opinions of the industry as a whole. That gets better reaction from policy makers than 50 different groups with 50 different opinions.
As far as a resolution for a levy for a producer owned industry in Alberta it would have to come from the regional meetings all of which have been held I haven't seen the resolutions to presented on the 6th of January as of yet so I couldn't tell you if there is or not.
However I can tell you that if there is one it will be debated and the members present at the meeting on the 6th will decide the position that would be adopted as WRAPs position on such a levy. Democracy and involvement, much like any board or organization the ones that are involved can make a great difference,and the positions of organizations and boards tend to reflect the veiwpoints of those that can either afford the time or understand that they have to spend the time.
As far as you buying a membership thats a decision you have to make I invite you to come to the seminar and talk to some of the directors and members and see if they are a gruop you would like to be asssociated with. Then make you're own decisions. And take note of the speakers that want to come and talk, and the issues they cover that should give you a decent reflection of what policy makers think of this group already. And the type of issues that we need a group of this type for. Last I heard there were still a few spots for the seminar on the 5th.