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Reuters Newswire

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    Reuters Newswire

    WASHINGTON, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Canada's latest possible
    case of mad cow disease is not expected to cause the United
    States to rescind its plans to resume imports of Canadian live
    cattle, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official said on
    "We don't anticipate it would have any impact," said USDA
    spokeswoman Alisa Harrison. She explained that during a long
    agency review of whether to reopen the U.S. border to Canadian
    live cattle, regulators took into account the possibility of
    additional cases of mad cow disease in Canada and steps Ottawa
    had taken to guard against the spread of the illness.
    On Wednesday, USDA announced it would reopen the border to
    Canadian cattle imports on March 7. Cattle trade from Canada
    was closed in May, 2003, after Canada discovered its first
    domestic case of mad cow disease.

    OTTAWA, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Canada notified the United
    States of a possible new mad cow case before Wednesday's U.S.
    announcement of plans to reopen the border to live Canadian
    cattle shipments, an official s,aid on Thursday.
    "They were notified before the U.S. made their announcement
    reopening the border," Marc Richard, a spokesman for the
    Canadian Food Inspection Agency, told Reuters.
    He said the fact that Canada had discovered a possible new
    case demonstrated that its surveillance system was working, and
    that confidence was reflected in the U.S. announcement of
    plans to reopen the border to young cattle on March 7.



      What exactly is "UTM's feed complex"?


        Sorry for the confusion, funnily enough you gave your thought to the thread in the one you started above, the term UTM refers to the under thirty months of age cattle the US is proposing to allow in under specific guidelines starting Mrch 7th, OTM are the over thirty month animals that they have yet to design a rule for.If they ever will. I have to do some checking into the word that the packers(AMI) are suing the US government over the rule not allowing OTM's.
        Also I had agreed with your thought on the calves being allowed acrosss having a negative effedt on the feed complex interestingly though WCE seemed flat to even a little stronger yesterday. As did CBOT corn so that was interesting.


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