There are sheep feedlots, just no where near the numbers you see in the other livestock sectors. As a matter of fact, I can only think of a few that are of any size. The number of sheep dairies has also dropped in recent years. There was one not too far away from me, but they closed up shop at least 3 years ago. I know of a couple of other sheep dairies but that's about it for them.
Emrald, I couldn't agree more with your sign and if you get them printed up, print an extra for me because that certainly is the truth around here.
You are quite correct, grassfarmer, when you talk about producers needing to do a better job of letting people know how their animals are raised. More and more people are wanting animals that are raised in a more pastoral setting as you have described in another post. My own personal philosophy is that I like to have the animals free to roam and don't agree with confining them. Having said that though I also understand that it is not everyone's philosophy and they are entitled to raise their animals in whatever management system works for them.
(Maple Leaf had that ad running about all grain fed, natural chicken - I still have yet to figure out what is natural about cramming 20,000 birds into a barn, but it sold a great deal of chicken for them.)
Emrald, I couldn't agree more with your sign and if you get them printed up, print an extra for me because that certainly is the truth around here.
You are quite correct, grassfarmer, when you talk about producers needing to do a better job of letting people know how their animals are raised. More and more people are wanting animals that are raised in a more pastoral setting as you have described in another post. My own personal philosophy is that I like to have the animals free to roam and don't agree with confining them. Having said that though I also understand that it is not everyone's philosophy and they are entitled to raise their animals in whatever management system works for them.
(Maple Leaf had that ad running about all grain fed, natural chicken - I still have yet to figure out what is natural about cramming 20,000 birds into a barn, but it sold a great deal of chicken for them.)