I find it almost humorous, all the gum mashing and hand ringing about those darn Americans and how protectionist they are.I suppose us Canadians are so pure of heart and soul that if the shoe were on the other foot i.e. we were making very good profits,that we would graciously throw the border open.Come on give me a break.
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I say over and over and over again, the value of the dollar dictates what moves where. If the shoe were on the other foot, and the U.S. "had it" and we "didn't" I would still say throw open the border. Their dollar is nearly in the ash can but still "worth more" than ours. Really, how many cattle ever come north, and if they do it's only for a while because sometimes we have feed. Most American cattle can't take our cold, we in Canada are not into makeing jobs the way the Americans are, our land is cheaper and feed more prevalent. The system was created because it works. We raise 'em cheaper and under conditions better suited to make beef, they process them because there is more industry and more "jobs" in the States in which to do it and we "buy back" the finished product in some cases. Cattle go south because they have more "buying power" period not because we're not protectionist, most of us actually are but that doesn't stop commodities from trading. They go where the money is, we all do.
I believe that people are just a bit excited right now because of the two cases in a row. Its a fresh wound and it will heal given a little time. The timing is random. We could go years without ever having a case. As far as zoning Alberta, most of the cattle are in Alberta so you would expect to find more cases there. Sounds just like the R-CALFers saying they've tested all those cows and we've only tested a few, except that when you look at the percentages, we've tested more per capita than they have.
well said SASH. The media is just making a hoopla out of this third cow, and the Premiers musings about a cull didn't help. ABP hasn't said a word have they ?
I am afraid that a lot of sick and downer cows will not be tested after this latest incident. People will just feed them to the coyotes. Jack Daines said it on the news this evening, he had a cow that died and fed her to the coyotes because they had to eat too.
The ABP website is showing the CCA statement made yesterday which is all perfectly sensible - I wouldn't argue with anything said.
Relax everyone. I did say it as a tongue and cheek statement and I dont agree with a zone in Alberta. I did say it though to bring light to the frustration and isolation producers are feeling in the TB zone. We talk about sticking together as producers but people in the zoned area have ben left out to dry. We have not once in ten years seen any of the high level CCA members come address this area. Our own MCPA up untill 2 years ago have not taken it serious and it wasn't untill people threatened to withdraw their checkoff that they masqueraded that they cared. And producers outside the zone have voted down resutions that would have helped out producers in the effected zone area.. The second point I wanted to maked is that for those of you who think zoning Canada into seperate areas is a pipe dream think again. At our district MCPA meeting we heard it is on the drawing bored. Trust me it is not a great feeling being isolated in order for other producers to protect their own self interests.
DNaker: Perhaps you could enlighten us a bit more about the TB zone? How long since you got the last case of TB? Also, is the federal government compensating producers who are located in the zone? From what I remember reading, was the cattle in this TB zone contacted TB from the wildlife? If that is correct then wouldn't it be proper for the Crown to reimburse farmers...after all the deer and moose belong to the Crown, right?... Too bad the Crown won't pick up their feed bill either!
good points cowman. Seems to me that producers were paid a fairly good dollar in this area when elk and cattle were destroyed due to the TB issue. Either way, joking about an AB. zone likely isn't to humerous with the current situation with BSE. We are seeing feedlots going under and some producers as well, and that is not a joking matter. I am a bit grumpy this morning....-40 does that !!!
Got to agree with you on the weather thing emerald! It is a little "fresh" out there today, but at least the darned wind isn't blowing!
What's your take on the Bonnet feedlot thing? Seems to me Bonnet might have been a wee bit bitter? I guess who could blame him...seeing three generations of work going up in smoke!
There are also rumors that a lot of cattle are missing and the books might have been cooked a bit! Well I hope he got enough squirreled away so he doesn't have to go begging on the street or something! Having a hard time feeling sorry for the banker though.
I have heard an "auction market rumor" of who the farmer was who owned the last mad cow, but won't repeat it here as it is just a rumor based on the feds looking for a certain farm in the area south and east of Innisfail!
Cowman, if you read the court documents filed on Monday re Bonnetts at "http://www.recorder.ca/cp/National/050110/n0110111A.html" it makes me sick. If these accusations are proven correct the industry is better without these guys. If these cattle were killed deliberately I would like to see jail time for those guilty. Funny with all the dubious counting/ accountancy involved that Rick stood as a Liberal candidate in the Federal election - he seems well qualified.
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