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The Big Lie

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    kpb If you think you or I or any other producer will have any influence over the boxed beef trade going on with Cargil Tyson, and their American cutomers, we all need our heads examined. I believe that what our new friend is refering to is live cattle and the border. At least that is what I would like to see left shut. I don't think that another bovine should cross that 49th parallel unless he or she is a breeding animal.

    But I am certainly all for opening new markets with testing, and maintaining the size of the Canadian breeding herd. I think that a cull is a waste of perfectly good food.....period. Test them and sell them is my attitude. How many bloody cans of BSE tested beef could we send to the tidal wave victims for 400 million dollars.

    I will never agree with you on two areas you stress kpb. Burying cows, and dropping Canadian beef herds to supply only Canada.


      put another way Randy, Canadians should not ship the raw product to the US so they can add value to the product and then export it to those markets we as Canadian producers could have if we are willing to add the value here. What value, the vlue that consumers tell us they are willing to pay for. Let's build a Canadian product and ship it as a superior product! For example, after March 7th, when the border opens (hopefully), if all Canadian product said "tested for BSE", would the American public buy our product or the US product(with all the consumer info. being promoted), even if COOL rears it's ugly head again. I'm assuming that we would be further ahead of the US if we get started now.


        Right on intr3est!


          rkaiser, could you email me, I'd still like to talk to you about what you are doing with BIG and the possibilties. murgen_89@hotmnail.com


            I sent you an email the other day, guess it must have lost it's way over Winterpeg

            Randy Kaiser
            Crossfield Alberta
            (403) 946 - 0228

            Have to go do some evening chores and then find a Burger. My wife is on a tropical vacation in Estevan Sask, and I don't like cooking much.
            Back later this evening 8ish Alberta time.


              I agree, the us herd has shrunk to much to be able to fill large export contracts without additional supplies at this time, With our continued investement in slaughter capacity and most likely individual bse testing we could take these markets at their expense.


                Randy you will be pretty jealous of your wife when she gets home with that tan she got in Estevan


                  Must be a hole in the ozone we don't know about!


                    Now's the time!


                      JD6320, that's the only reason they are looking at opening the border! If R-calf gets their message across to the consumer and they take up on it, they will be paying even higher prices for beef. Meanwhile the demand goes down and the other meats increase. I've said all along (since may 2003) that beef consumption in the states will decrease because of price and they will have to comeback strong to get it back. it's always better to appease your buyers than try to win them back.


                        Well dar gon it Big Muddy, now you got me thinkin.
                        When she phoned and said it was 30 degrees and she didn't have much on, maybe she was in the tub wanting to do that phone se)( thing and it was 30 below not 30 above.


                          Randy, Randy...
                          My eyes, my ears, you're going to corrupt my innocent youth with all that se)(talk...
                          Please try to stay focused!!!
                          And warm!!! Have a good day!!
                          Love Whitey!


                            First you talk of me being old and then your innocent youth.
                            Have you turned 20 yet, my 70th birthday is still a ways off.


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