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CCIA database

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    CCIA database

    I've been having difficulty getting into the new database to look at the procedures for registering calves. It's complicated - first I couldn't log on because it turns out my address when the original pin # was allocated is different to my current one. The tag retailers are supposed to notify CCIA of address changes. I only bought one bag of tags at the original address but have bought from 5 different retailers since then - not one of them bothered to amend my address information. I discover today that I in fact have 2 pin #s as a second one was issued at some point because a retailer was too lazy to reference my purchase to an existing pin # - they set up a new one instead. Hence I have tags showing up registered to two different people - of the same name. The people at the CCIA office are really good at sorting out mistakes and we have got it all squared up now. It makes me wonder why farmers are regulated yet the people selling tags aren't - how many of you gave calf setaside tag #s cross referenced to existing CCIA barcode ones to retailers assuming they would forward them to CCIA? Did they bother or did they put them in the bin after you left the store? I didn't cross reference mine and still got paid under the program.
    Another thing I discovered that was stopping me logging on was the fact I used a barcode # from my livestock manifest book of an animal that had been slaughtered. This isn't accepted as a # registered to you because it has been taken out of circulation. I hope anyone that hasn't tried to access this database yet gets onto it soon as they could get busy in April if these problems are common-place.

    I had similar problems also. The business where I got my tags had an old address of mine from thirty years ago in there database and used it to get my pin. I had to call ccia finally and get it all fixed up. When I finally got the log in part all fixed I tried to register my premise location and ran into trouble there as well. The program would not recognize my legal land description. Anyway I had to call again but it seems I got it all done after quite a bit of trouble. I have to say that the people at ccia where very willing to help.


      I'm having problems with the land description too. Still have to figure that one out.

      I submit numbers at work for tags we sell and you would be surprised to see how many people have more than one pin number. I think that the way some businesses are set up, the ones selling the tags are not the ones submitting the numbers, so they just don't catch it. In the beginning, we used to send our sales records to our tag distributer, and they would submit the numbers. They probably did it by transferring files rather than individually entering the numbers, so they wouldn't see the duplicates. that's my guess, anyway. Now the ones who actually sell the tags are the ones who are supposed to submit them to the database, so they should be able to spot the duplicates much easier.

      It should be easy to fix if you call them on the phone. I've found them to be very helpful and good to work with.


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