Having been involved in the TB eradication zone in Manitoba Mr Vohs probaly will not receive fair compensation for his animals. CFIA has a cap value of $2500/head. Producers in the zone area have been trying to get this changed for years with no luck.
There is also the stigma of being quarantined. There is no reason in @#$## that anyone shound not buy livestock from Mr Vohs in the future but human nature is human nature. Even though,producers in the TB eradication zone, have been tested numerous times and came up clear, there are producers who once had a thriving purebred market that have now gotten out of it bcause of the difficulty of selling animals stigmatized in being in a zone. So for all you producers who have supported Mr Vohs in the past keep on supporting him in the future. From what I understand it was a quality herd in the past and wiil continue to be a quality herd in the future
There is also the stigma of being quarantined. There is no reason in @#$## that anyone shound not buy livestock from Mr Vohs in the future but human nature is human nature. Even though,producers in the TB eradication zone, have been tested numerous times and came up clear, there are producers who once had a thriving purebred market that have now gotten out of it bcause of the difficulty of selling animals stigmatized in being in a zone. So for all you producers who have supported Mr Vohs in the past keep on supporting him in the future. From what I understand it was a quality herd in the past and wiil continue to be a quality herd in the future