I get a little nervous when people start talking about limiting who can or cannot buy cattle at an auction. An auction sale is supposed to be about free enterprize...the highest bidder gets the cattle? Why put in rules too limit who can buy cattle? I suspect if Cargill/IBP/XL weren't in the market we would actually see prices going lower?
How is it that IBP/Cargill have got to the place they are at today? The answer is they are very good at what they do and others have a hard time competing with them! Sort of like Wal-Mart? This is just the way of our modern world?
If the ABP doesn't represent the Alberta cattleman, then who does? I mean everyone who pays the checkoff got to vote, right? If they chose not to, then that is their right? Now obviously I didn't vote in the ABP elections and I do not believe they have any right to exist, but I still have to pay the checkoff and I expect the delegates to at least try to do what they believe is right for the industry? And I do believe most are honorable men who believe in what they are doing. I also believe they have a mandate from the voters to carry out the job they were elected to do? Isn't that democracy?
How is it that IBP/Cargill have got to the place they are at today? The answer is they are very good at what they do and others have a hard time competing with them! Sort of like Wal-Mart? This is just the way of our modern world?
If the ABP doesn't represent the Alberta cattleman, then who does? I mean everyone who pays the checkoff got to vote, right? If they chose not to, then that is their right? Now obviously I didn't vote in the ABP elections and I do not believe they have any right to exist, but I still have to pay the checkoff and I expect the delegates to at least try to do what they believe is right for the industry? And I do believe most are honorable men who believe in what they are doing. I also believe they have a mandate from the voters to carry out the job they were elected to do? Isn't that democracy?