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    Wow....... took a trip over to the Dark side to see what all the fuss was about. There has to be BSE south of the 49th. Some of those "cowboys" are dang scarey!

    I wonder if they truly believe all the tripe that they talk about?

    Yes they do truly believe what they say...
    They would just have to the way some of them rufuse to listen to any reason or "facts." Have a good day all!


      I spend my time over their mostly on days when I have spare time and am looking for a scrap. I'm pretty sure that alot of the R-CALFers over there just spend all their days listening to Bullard and talking about R-CALF stuff at the coffee shop. I don't think they get much outside exposure. I think its important as Canadians to keep showing them the truth just so that they have something to think about outside of their little R-CALF commune.


        Scrap's the word! Sometimes it's fun, but sometimes it's just plain nasty.

        We do however keep pounding away in the hopes that someone reasonable is listening. There are some good people over there. There are also some who are just plain obstinate.

        There are Fightless Fridays that are pretty good too. Even the professional scrappers need a break sometimes. LOL


          ...for you Canadians that know how debate the Americans... I thankyou...


            To SASH ,Kato and Whiteface, I think sometimes posting at Ranchers.net is one of those dirty jobs but somebody has to do it, some times. Yes there are alot of good people that I enjoy posting to and a few that I enjoy harassing but there are some that i will refuse to get dragged down to their level and I hope it doesn't hurt the forum as it can be a fun release in stressful times but also can cause stress if we let it. Fight the good fight and lets give'm Hell.


              interestingly, I was chatting with an acquaintance that had just returned from a vacation in the US. He attended some ag functions and answered a lot of questions about the BSE situation in Canada.
              He said that the average comment was to the effect that they could not understand what all the hoopla was about only three or four cases of BSE, and they didn't know why the border wasn't open !! I guess that tells me that R-Calf's views aren't shared by everyone in the livestock industry south of the border.


                I suspect R-CALF supporters are mostly in the northern states where they had to watch cheap Canadian cattle roll by their gates to the feedlots and packers, that wanted to beat down the price for their calves and cull cattle? They couldn't understand how Canada could raise cattle any cheaper than they did! And the fact is Canada couldn't! A totally ridiculous monetary exchange was our advantage! A 63 cent dollar was our ONLY advantage.
                Here is the problem to our continent having a truly integrated economy...government policy and interference with commerce! We need one currency, one taxation system, one set of inspection and rules! Have a "North American dollar", a "North American federal tax system", a "North American department of Agriculture"?
                The border between Canada and the USA is nothing more than an impediment to commerce. If you've ever crossed lately and seen the trucks lined up for miles you'll know what I mean! Can our people really afford this silly government garbage?


                  cowman wrote:

                  The border between Canada and the USA is nothing more than an impediment to commerce. If you've ever crossed lately and seen the trucks lined up for miles you'll know what I mean! Can our people really afford this silly government garbage?

                  I agree. While I consider myself to be a patriotic Canadian. More and more I seem to find myself on the opposing side of what is being done by the Canadian government. Homosexual Marriage (against it), Wasteful public healthcare (against it ), The socialist welfare system (against it), Legalization of marijuana (against it, The Iraq war (for it although I would have a hard time with sending my sons to fight it). My values are far more conservative than what the government's are and it seems that I agree more and more with how the US deals with things although there are always radicals in every group. I think opening the border would be a good thing. Then I could stand with my neighbors in the western US and fight this elitist,anything goes attitude of the eastern Canadians.


                    I watched the Fifth Estate the other night. (Ya, I know, eastern liberal socialist CBC .. but that's beside the point)

                    It was a story on the hard line conservatives who are prevalent in the U.S. right now. Some of these people really worry me, and I don't mind saying it. They are agressive, totally unmoving in their opinions no matter what argument they come across, and of the "I am right, so you are wrong" mindset, with those who oppose their opinions being degraded and put down. One woman looked the reporter, a Canadian right in the eye and told him he was wrong when he said Canada didn't send troops to Vietnam. She said he was wrong! He didn't know what he was talking about! He lived here at the time for Pete's sake, so where did she get off telling him she knew more about Canada than he did? She absolutly refused to accept that he might know something that didn't agree with her view of things, or the possibility that she could be wrong. This same woman also has a very large following of people in the States who believe everything she says. Spooky.

                    If this is the direction the United States is going, I personally don't want any part of it. Hardliners of any persuasion are dangerous in positions of power.

                    They have a for me or against me attitude, with no room for open dialogue or discussion. If you don't agree with them, you are an idiot, and that's all there is to it.

                    Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather stick with what we've got. No system is perfect, but at least our system recognizes that it is possible to disagree with each other without it getting personal.


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