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    Kato, the instance you cite is a perfectly clear diversion. I'm sure you can imagine finding a good interview to paint an entire group in what ever way you want.

    Its certainly true the left is quite dismissive of opposing views as simple or stupid.

    Cowman; the US presently enjoys governmental dominance by those that believes solutions eminate from private people - give people enough freedom and they'll best make theyr own prosperity. BUTTTT let me caution you we have an enormous group of citizens that can't imagine solutions or prosperity coming from anyplace other than "the government." RCALF is one of these intellectually vacuous leftist groups that seeks to manipulate economic issues with politics. When we have decet folks in cow country falling for leftist intervention, imagine the leftist following in the great urban areas.

    You're soooo right about forming a single economic block with a single currency - I guess the Euros agree with you.

    For anyone viewing Ranchers Net, you'll see what you want to see. I'm sure a majority of ranchers support opening the border, but there is a vocal gtoup that never wanted an open border and are all too pleased to exploit bse as a trade barrier.

    As for anyone that is fearful about US conservatives, relax. Conservativism maintains people are the proper source for solutions to advance prosperity as opposed to governmental solutions advocated by liberals. It was the Klinton administration that employed the "scorched earth" policy of destroying dissenters. Ya see, people always see what they want to see.


      Well oxbow, I certainly agree with the idea and ideology of people creating their own prosperity. You might find it refreshing that a lot of people in Alberta think that way...especially if you travel outside the capital "Redmonton"!
      The best thing the government can do is get the hell out of the way, in my humble opinion.
      To my way of thinking, the federal governments role should be limited to the basic infrastructure and national defence! Unfortunately, here in Canada, they do a really poor job on both of those but they are hell on wheels at getting their noses into everything else!
      Canada is truly the Nanny state with the government trying to control you and coddle you from cradle to grave. It is a little better in Alberta because we took a different route and have become more American than the Americans! Unfortunately our sister provinces have not seen the light and continue to elect governments of a decidely "pink" variety! In fact our own government here in Alberta are a bunch of spendthrifts but we had about 40 years of good accountable government before they came in. The Conservative party of Alberta has had the good luck to inherit a system of provincial rights from the previous Social Credit government. They haven't done much to protect that system however!


        I like the term "nanny state" I just wish it didn't describe the US also. I'm not at all surprised to find conservatives in the provinces as anyone but the most rugged individualists couldn't hang with the harsh environment in the Canadian bush.

        I don't doubt Alberta is out Americaning the US, most of Asia is as well as a bunch of South America. I really am intrigued by Canadian ag innovations - like the energy free waterers up there or the Forester bale movers. Its clear plenty of guys are handy in the shop.

        You're right about provincial rights - we call it states rights or federalism. Either way, the US federal government is constantly seizing more and more local power despite a constitutional limit on federal power.
        In my opinion, if both sides of the border could return power to the local level, the border would be less restrictive to trade. If you really think about it, the only purpose for the 49th is to tell us which way to send our taxes. You may know, every so often California will come up with a scheme to exclude products from the other states. Ofcourse there is an interstate commerace clause in the constitution that prohibits their tricks. Eventually, NAFTA will need to be strengthened or modified so that trade is not subjected to whims of lawyers. I think a single currency would certainly enhance trade and prosperity on both sides of the border, but the US liberals are afraid of trade and Bush has been somewhat hostile towards Canada. A single currency is still a good idea.


          oxbow:I've got to agree on that one currency deal and to my way of thinking they should just get rid of all those time consuming border crossings. Unfortunately our federal government has a bad habit of letting pretty well every low life in the world into this country and that gets you Americans a little nervous! Personally I believe we also need one big immigration type department that gets these terrorists and criminals stopped before they get into North America! Then you Americans wouldn't need to feel threatened by a bunch of psycho terrorists crossing the border! Have you ever been to a border crossing lately? It is absolutely insane! Trucks lined up for miles waiting to cross...you can almost hear the dollars being lost! Our country is really dropping the ball here by trying to be politically correct and wanting to be viewed as the safe haven for every piece of garbage in the world!
          I've always said I've got one hell of a lot more in common with the farmer/rancher in the US than I have with the city slickers in Toronto or Ottawa.


            Cowman that is so cute when Alberta is the biggest nanny province of all -after ranching next to the so called bastion of free enterprise for my entire life-it's pretty plain you receive more government aid than any so called socialist rancher in Sask. ever has. That's my hilight of the year when I go buy bulls and watch you'Texan's without accents' try and explain how 'it's not a subsidy-it's a program'. The old brand shack at Bow Slope get's pretty lively sometime. Maybe ease off on the pot calling the kettle black as I think every rancher in Canada has taken a good long suck on the government's tit the last year or so.


              I heard on the news that Albertans will get a tax break if they join a gym. The memberships are a tax deduction. That's something even the NDP hasn't come up with! LOL


                kato, there hasn't been anything legislated that will give Albertans a tax break if they join a gym. This was just some musing done by our Minister of Health.
                I think her heart is in the right place and she just wants to encourage Albertans to keep fit and healthy.


                  I will admit the Alberta cattle producer gets a wee bit more than the Saskatchewan producer. I will also add Alberta pays the government of Saskatchewan enough money that they could easily match any pittance the Alberta government might give the Alberta farmer? In fact without the Alberta money coming in the Saskatchewan producer would get zero dollars? Just a fact of life.


                    Cowman maybe just mail your 'pittance' over east here-your toooo funny-if we could just bottle that Alberta ego and sell it the whole country would be debt free. One thing talking to the guys over here grazing and such it'd easy to figure most would starve without their 'pittances'. Just a fact of life!!!!!!


                      Sorry don't even get the pittance anymore. Out of the cow business, just own thirty heifer calves and they will go this year.Making room for someone else to have a kick at the can!


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