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Everything stopped!

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    Everything stopped!

    It sure is strange how one judge can bring a whole industry to a standstill? The auction marts came to a virtual standstill on March 7th! Before that things had been rolling along pretty well?
    I guess anticipation of an open border had been driving the market? It seems to me we were coping with things fairly well though? Except for OTM cattle?
    I also find it strange how one small radical group can thwart the will of the American government and render all international trade deals invalid?
    I thought the USDA made policy on food safety and trade? Instead it seems a small group of radicals do?

    I continue to believe the border will open to our cattle when and only when it is in the United States best interest to do so. While one possible scenario is that the USDA and the Bush Administration is incompetent and unable to run the country another possible scenario is the Americans chose not to open the border and are using R-Calf as a convenient pawn in a bigger game.

    Any producer anticipation of the border opening would have quickly evapourated if we had known Cebull was deciding the R-Calf injunction. Yet the USDA would have known this and chose to leave Cebull in control of the issue. Over one week after Cebull pulls the plug on the USDA “plans” to open the border the USDA has made no moves to appeal Cebull’s decision and other than a comment that they are very disappointed nothing more has been said. USDA was talking a good line about science but when the rubber meets the road it is politics that will open the border.

    You say anticipation of an open border had been driving the market. I am wondering how Canadian producers could have been left so poorly informed of the situation and the likelihood of a border opening. There was zero indication from our government or industry that there was any risk of the border not opening. We were told the USDA had taken many extra months to go over the comments and they had designed a watertight rule that was guaranteed to meet any court challenges.

    If R-Calf is in control of the situation on the south side of the border who is in control of things on the Canadian side?


      The sheep!


        I too have been wondering whether or not CCA knew cebull was the judge who would hear this and whether ot not they had a responsibility (not legal but moral) to do a better job of putting the fact out here.
        As for you thoughts farmers son yes I too agree with that , you'll note that things got moving again once the US and Japan had started to progress towards resumption of beef trade on younger animals but isn't it "interesting" that when the parameters around age verification on carcass's couldn't be resolved things went to hell on us too.
        I read now where they might have some progress towards aggreement on what US-A40 Beef, if thats reached look for an appeal to be filed.
        You'd think that if R-calf can find their judge why can't a company like creekstone find one that lets them test like they wanted to.

        I have been very disappointed with the CCA through all this I have had the impression that they know everything and are unwilling to listen to the producers. I know if I don't like it run for ABP delegate.


          Do you mean Dennis Blaaaaaaaacraft ivbinconned?


            mcfarms: I agree, trade with Japan is a big part of this. I believe there are a number of U.S. politicians who do want to see more normal trade in beef and cattle resume with Canada but want to see that trade coordinated with resumption of trade with Japan.

            I am not sure how it works with an appeal, if trade opens immediately once the appeal is granted or if there are further steps that need to be taken.


              it was known for months that cebull would hear the case for the injunction because he is the federal district court judge for the district in which billings is located and that is where the application was filed. americans can strategically shop for judges and r-calf did their homework.


                Where is this "Judge Store", where you can go and get your own personal judge? Is it "The Judge Depot"? Or maybe "Judgemart"? Or perhaps they got theirs at "Judges R Us"?

                How come we can't get one of our own? That's not fair! R-Calf has a judge of their very own, and we want one too! LOL


                  yes i agree everthing stopped sold fat cattle for 78.5 250 dollar les than 2 weeks ago and boxed beef

                  higher in usa!!!!!!
                  this make250 to300 dollar per animalyes
                  per animal????? to the packers .
                  according to canadian goverment this is
                  o-k one man[judge], made this hapening.
                  federal and provincialhelp. better come fast.euro country needs our beef stop hormone use, yesterday.i mean by law .
                  the abp board is like our friend u-s-a
                  want to say our hormone beef is save.
                  we never sell one pound of beef to this
                  large euro dollar country.
                  only federal law can .stop this tomorrow dispose of all inventory.


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