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    Had a long talk with my vet this morning while he was trapped up to the shoulder preg-checking cows. He and the other vets in his practice were in a meeting with CFIA and other clinics on March 2nd, learning all the regulations that they would have to follow to identify, mark, etc. any animals for export to the US and the paperwork involved. By the time they stopped the meeting because of the US ruling closing the border again, the vets had already decided there was no way they could get involved because the rules and paperwork involved were so extensive and some of the rules so contradictory that there was no way they could physically do it.
    His son started on with a large animal clinic in Kincardine with 4 other vets last April, he just got fired, there are 2 left and they can't stay busy. He says there hasn't been a single large animal vet job posted in the province since last April.


    That whole thing about no large animal vets needed in Ontario is bull. Our entire district has been looking for a large animal vet for about 3 years now. During that time, we had one ex-instructor from OCVM come up to help out, but he lacked definite people skills and left 6 months later. If your vet's son (or his partners) want a job, and are willing to work on call and to travel, have them contact:

    Nor-West Animal Clinic
    400 Portage Avenue,
    Fort Frances, ON
    P9A 1Z9
    (807) 274-7393

    Attn: Dr. Dan Pierroz


      I'll pass it on 15444. So far he's worked in California and Kincardine, now he's with a small-animal clinic but he prefers large.


        It's good to hear that someone does want to go into large animal practice as there seems to be a huge shortage of those types of DVMs.

        The money is made with looking after Spot and Puff. The 4-legged fur kids are where it is at. I am continually amazed to hear about the new ventures that are starting up with pets. Doggie daycare, doggie acupuncture, doggie shrinks - hey maybe we could use those - doggie bakeries, doggie hairdressers aka groomers, ALL of which are doing a booming business.


          Our guy here is so busy he is refusing clients.

          Dalek - he and I had a similar conversation a while back - he said the little animals paid his bills.

          Absolutely amazed when he told me what people will pend on Pookie.

          On the other hand I have to think about spending anything on the girls out back.



            Bez two years ago the guys in the north end of our county, up around the park were going nuts trying to find a vet that would go into that area to treat cattle. It sure isn't an issue now, if they can't fix it themselves it wouldn't matter if the vet was next door, it gets a bullet.


              some municipalities were even assisting with subsidized veterinary services in order to get veterinarians to locate in the northern part of the province, but perhaps that too, has changed.


                Dalek, I know of one vet clinic that might be hiring for maternity leave! They've got the small animal duties covered but maybe not the large!


                  I passed it on to him but he just signed a contract with a small animal clinic. He's going to pass the word around, but he says most of the ones that are losing their large animal jobs are pretty gunshy about moving their families for another large animal job when they know so many of the clinics are shaky and they can get a small animal job in the next town over with a couple of phone calls.


                    Just heard today, one of the local dealers has been buying cattle across the border in NY for slaughter in Canada for a while now. Finally somebody in the towering bureaucracy wondered about the economic sense of this, turns out he's now on the run from the RCMP, wanted for smuggling cocaine across the border in American cattle.


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