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Disband producer groups

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    ivbenconed If you can show me the difference betwen the lease holders and thier 100 mill subsidy that I have to compete with and your whining about que and thier handouts I will be glad to stop whining but I see no difference .
    The Europeans give subsity to all thier producers and here in alta you have to have a grazing lease to get in on the dole just where is the difference when we are all after the same market, an I truly missing something here.


      Horse: you are whineing about the good fortune of your neighbors, I on the other hand (and there is a difference) am whineing about your Alberta government doing nothing about other govenments screwing you and your neighbors. There is a distinction!!


        bfw...you bring up the point where the ABP is overseen by the Agricultural Marketing Council who in return report to the Ag. Minister...who are these people and how to they get their position...thankyou in advance...


          Blackjack - for information on Marketing Council, try cutting and pasting the following link:



            BFW correctly points out the ABP operates under the Agricultural Products Marketing Act. The UPA operates under the Farm Producers Act, enacted in 1972, about the same time as the Agricultural Products Marketing Act came into existence in Alberta.

            See: http://www.upa.qc.ca/eng/about_us/bit_of_history.asp for a history of the UPA.

            See: http://www.canlii.org/qc/laws/sta/p-28/20050211/whole.html for the text of the Farm Producers Act.

            See: http://www.upa.qc.ca/eng/about_us/overview.asp for an overview of the UPA. The UPA represents all of Quebec’s 44,000 farm producers. The UPA is the sole voice speaking on behalf of all Quebec farmers.

            The UPA has always been directed and controlled by farmers. Some 3,500 of them, all democratically elected, assume various functions as directors within the UPA’s structure, which comprises local syndicates and regional federations as well as specialized unions and groups and the confederation.
            The General Congress is the UPA’s most representative managing structure. Delegates representing all regional and specialized components meet once a year to decide on the UPA’s general directions and official policies. Every two years, delegates also elect the organization’s leading managers (President General, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents General).


              Whos interests does the ABP actually represent?

              When Revenue Canada, considers that a husband and wife team, have enough work and income to justify reporting two full time incomes, but only one is recognized at ABP annual meetings, I think we have a problem. Especially considering, that each and every 4-H member, who sells a beef, carries the right to vote! Keep in mind that 4-H is no longer made up of kids that only have a farm background. Many are acreage kids, who through creative marketing, receive the mistaken impression that there is a huge dollar to be made on beef!

              I have discussed this with my ABP delegate, and he is more concerned that large feedlot operators, would control ABP, if voting rights were changed. (At least it would be people who have a genuine interest in the industry!)

              I don't think my concerns are being heard, or passed on to government, at all by ABP, and agree with axing them! I am told that ABP is prohibit by law, from owning packing plants.(does this mean ABP members too??) They don't agree with testing every animal for BSE,(more cons than pros, to this approach). Much of the information they receive is considered, "top secret" so they can't share it with those of us who pay to have them there~!

              They are sooo busy, going nowhere!


                It might be suggested that check-offs go to the highest priority. Are supporting producer lobby groups who don’t lobby and horn check-offs that seem kind of irrelevant at this stage of the game. Send that same money over to Randy and it will have much more value at no additional cost to anyone.
                From my experience with producer groups, it seems they are full of ideas and “piss and vinegar” when they first start, but soon deteriorate to spending most of the money trying to appear to be doing something. If you only get less than 20 people at a meeting, that means the last one you had wasn’t worth going to.


                  Of course ABP cannot own a packing plant, but does that mean that they cannot support the majority of producers in this country who would like to collectively own one?

                  I would like to really let loose right now, but I've got to try and keep it cool.

                  Disband ABP, YES, in a heartbeat, and the CCA as well. What the hell have these groups done for any of you in the past two years besides beg the government for a few little welfare cheques.

                  Has anyone ever got a reply to a letter written to ABP or CCA. I use their feedback Email regularly, and have written at least 4 times since the AGM with concerns. Not one reply. Even Ralph and Shirley have a joe boy that sends a reply, with a copy of their signature on it.

                  Enough is enough. Do something or get the hell out of the way.


                    how many of you are getting involved in helping to elect the new leader of the PC party whenever the leadership convention happens to be ? If you want to see changes to ag policy and an overall change in philosophy with regard to who speaks for the industry, perhaps it is time to sound out all the leadership hopefulls to see where they stand on these issues.


                      Hey,Randy,I like Horse` post two days ago about the welfare cowboys and the ACC(at the time).So when do you think these lobby groups are going to come forward with the Canadian Cattle Board as Grassfarmer so eloquently endorses??????????Seeme to him that should be nervana why don`t they go public now??


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