Hey cropduster, how goes the battle?
Don't know what the Canadian Cattle board is; haven't heard or read anything?
Horse may be right about ACC. Don't really see any other use right now.
If their hands are tied, as BWF explains then why even have public comments, or talk as if they can make a difference? If ABP is only out to look after the Cows and Fish program, then damn well say so, and lets start some kind of new organization. Big C has been directly or indirectly in front of a pile of politicians in the last few months with $hit for cash. Has ABPCCA been in front of them with anything but pom poms?
Support new packing initiatives my a$$. Even the ones that are being planned by high end ABP delegates are getting nowhere.
What the hell are they (ABPCCA) doing? Can anyone answer that very simple question?
Have any of the very few resolutions passed at the AGM been acted on?
We had a BSE meeting in Hanna the other night. Talk about Mark Purdey and a very interesting presentation by a Dentist who pushes the envelope with government and the medical profession concerning metal contamination and the effect of this stuff on the central nervous system (cows, humans, etc.).
While disscussing propeties and symtoms associated with various metals, the good Dr. got above most of our heads with a spew of accronyms.
I interupted with a few accronyms of my own.
While following the BSE crisis in North America, I have discovered a strange behavioral response to BSE and the USA from ABP and CCA. It seems that BSE has caused ABP and CCA to react in a strange way by bending over and kissing the ass of the USDA. Is this linked to something? Is this a side effect? It is happening on such a regular basis that it is close to becoming an epidemic. Science?????????????????????????????
Don't know what the Canadian Cattle board is; haven't heard or read anything?
Horse may be right about ACC. Don't really see any other use right now.
If their hands are tied, as BWF explains then why even have public comments, or talk as if they can make a difference? If ABP is only out to look after the Cows and Fish program, then damn well say so, and lets start some kind of new organization. Big C has been directly or indirectly in front of a pile of politicians in the last few months with $hit for cash. Has ABPCCA been in front of them with anything but pom poms?
Support new packing initiatives my a$$. Even the ones that are being planned by high end ABP delegates are getting nowhere.
What the hell are they (ABPCCA) doing? Can anyone answer that very simple question?
Have any of the very few resolutions passed at the AGM been acted on?
We had a BSE meeting in Hanna the other night. Talk about Mark Purdey and a very interesting presentation by a Dentist who pushes the envelope with government and the medical profession concerning metal contamination and the effect of this stuff on the central nervous system (cows, humans, etc.).
While disscussing propeties and symtoms associated with various metals, the good Dr. got above most of our heads with a spew of accronyms.
I interupted with a few accronyms of my own.
While following the BSE crisis in North America, I have discovered a strange behavioral response to BSE and the USA from ABP and CCA. It seems that BSE has caused ABP and CCA to react in a strange way by bending over and kissing the ass of the USDA. Is this linked to something? Is this a side effect? It is happening on such a regular basis that it is close to becoming an epidemic. Science?????????????????????????????