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R-Calf Advertises in Washington

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    R-Calf Advertises in Washington

    R-CALF Runs Ad in the "Washington Post"

    Further ratcheting up their campaign, R-CALF on Tuesday, March 15 placed an ad in the Washington Post raising questions and uncertainties about "mad cow," taking their message directly to the American public.

    Using words and phrases like "fatal disease," "high-risk" and "uncertainties" in USDA's knowledge of BSE, it is the latest effort to scare U.S. consumers about BSE - bought, paid for and placed on purpose, in a nationally circulated newspaper published in the city that sets national policy.

    The ad's subhead reminds consumers that four Canadian cows have been identified with mad cow, two of them reported in January. Continually trying to muddle the statistical probabilities for consumers, R-CALF never mentions that no cases were reported for a year between the Washington state (U.S.) cow and the most recent cases.

    Not surprisingly, the ad quotes from Judge Cebull's inaccurate and misleading opinion granting the temporary injunction against the Final Rule in early March. The quote refers to a "rush to reopen the border regardless of uncertainties in the agency's knowledge of the possible impacts on human and animal health." This after nearly 20 years of worldwide research and multiple recent examinations of Canada's entire feed and beef producing system.

    The ad also misleadingly quotes an Inspector General's report that had nothing to do with the Final Rule.

    The ad further states, under a photo of a cowboy, "Our high health standards are needed to protect consumers, the beef industry and U.S. jobs." Once again, R-CALF is reinforcing the idea that USDA, the agency that surveys indicate consumers (rightfully) trust to safeguard their food, can't be trusted on "mad cow." (The ad never uses the proper abbreviation BSE, instead continuing to foster the fear of the mysterious "mad cow.") The message is that consumers should only listen to R- CALF - no one else knows what they're doing or can be trusted.

    While that insidious campaign against the concept of consumers trusting USDA is the worst part of the whole ad, their claims of safeguarding U.S. jobs is astounding, given the reality. R-CALF's efforts have been directly responsible for extending shift cutbacks and elimination of others at packers nationwide and threatening the existence of border packers that depend on cattle supply from both sides of the border. By constantly suing USDA, R-CALF has extended the border closure from short-term to a long-term situation. That has induced the permanent export of packing industry jobs from the U.S. to Canada.

    The ramped up expansion of packing capacity in Canada is exacerbating the current excess packing capacity in the U.S. Worse still, it means Canada will, in another year or so, be nearly self-sufficient in packing capacity. That will put more pressure on U.S. packers facing an even smaller supply of cattle than the normal cycle level. Plants operating at less than the optimal slaughter rate lose money. The effect is likely to be further contraction of U.S. packing capacity, either through plant closings or further mergers and more concentration of the packing industry. That is not protecting U.S. jobs or helping preserve packer customers for U.S. cattle feeders and, in turn, calf producers.

    Once Canadian cattlemen no longer need U.S. packing plants at all, the not inconsiderable ill-will R- CALF has engendered is also likely to affect Canada's willingness to trade in grain, feeder cattle or to feed cattle in U.S. feedlots. Not sitting on their hands, large amounts of private funding and $87 million in government funding is being assembled to boost marketing of Canadian beef. Since Canada is the only other significant source of high-quality, grain-fed beef besides the U.S., it is a safe assumption that Canada will be a more aggressive competitor in the world market- and have the cattle and packing capacity to back it up. The relationship, the competitive situation - and the motivation - will never be the same again.

    And what effect is all this tumult having on the prospects of opening the Japanese markets? In an "Inside Washington Today" column from Informa Economics, Inc., Jim Weisemeyer reports that in direct conversations with Japanese trade officials, they said R-CALF actions have contributed to delaying the opening of the Japanese market. Wiesemeyer said the officials told him that R-CALF's harping on the risk of Canadian beef was increasing Japanese consumer concern about U.S. beef, as they view the risk as similar. And if R-CALF doesn't trust the international SRM standards, Japanese consumers are questioning why they should either.

    If you look at the BSE situation from the world perspective, as borne out by the statistics, it's not hard to see why the Japanese might consider the U.S. and Canada as similar situations, compared to the U.K. R-CALF has contended that Canada could be another U.K. Here is the data from the OIE (World Animal Health Organization) website, regarding the beginning of BSE respective discovery cycles:

    First year* BSE cases:



    Second year BSE cases:



    Third Year BSE cases:



    *First Year" for U.K. - 1987, Canada - 2003. "First Year" for U.S. for comparison illustration only. U.S. has no reported indigenous cases to date.

    **the OIE counts the 3rd Canadian case as reported in Dec. 2004.

    We were surprised to learn that R-CALF had even met with the Japanese or that they were reportedly perplexed to learn they were part of the problem, not the solution. Their stated position has been that R- CALF's focus is the domestic market and that the cattle market has done just fine without exports. In their opinion, keeping the border closed has been virtually the only factor driving cattle prices. They don't consider reduced cattle numbers, the economy, alliances and branded beef, high protein diets and new products as having to do with the strength of demand and cattle prices.

    R-CALF is very proud of the effect it has had on the national and international scene the last couple of years. Not a day goes by that that pride is harder and harder for many cattlemen to understand. R- CALF's actions are becoming more and more threatening to the well-being of the entire beef industry. We only hope their fixation on imports composing a tiny fraction of the market does not turn into a death wish for the entire American beef chain.

    For those receiving their e-mail as HTML, click on the links before to view OIE charts. The first link is for the U.K. chart. Second link is for rest of world. The third link is to a graphic of the ad, posted on the AFF website.

    UK BSE Report - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=tpigdabab.0.fkh6dabab.tv7p5a44.4799&p=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.oie.int%2Feng%2Finfo%2Fen_esbru.htm

    Rest of World - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=tpigdabab.0.hkh6dabab.tv7p5a44.4799&p=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.oie.int%2Feng%2Finfo%2Fen_esbmonde.h tm

    R-CALF Washington Post ad - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=tpigdabab.0.ikh6dabab.tv7p5a44.4799&p=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.agribusinessfreedom.com%2Femail%2FRc alfWPostAd.jpg

    The Agribusiness Freedom Foundation promotes free market principles throughout the agricultural food chain. The AFF believes it is possible to value the traditions and heritage of the past while embracing the future and the changes it brings. The AFF is a communications and educational initiative striving to preserve the freedom of the agricultural food chain to operate and innovate in order to continue the success of American agriculture.

    The AFF - freedom watchdog for American agriculture.

    Agribusiness Freedom Foundation
    AFF: Promoting free market principles throughout the agricultural food chain.

    Website: http://www.agribusinessfreedom.org

    Japanese Officials Tell R-CALF Actions Will Delay Re-opening Border
    (James Wiesemeyer, Inside Washington Today)

    R-CALF placed a half-page lobby-type ad in today's Washington Post, thanking the U.S. Senate for passing a resolution (52-46) that would, if it passed the House and was signed into law by President Bush (both unlikely events) do what a district court judge in Billings, Montana (Judge Richard Cebull) has already helped R-CALF accomplish: maintain the closure of the U.S.-Canadian border to live cattle under 30 months of age.

    The ad urges the House of Representatives to support the resolution of disapproval "against USDA's weakening of U.S. import standards." The ad was paid for by the Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (www.r-calfusa.com).It includes R-CALF friendly quotes

    What the ad does not say is what some Japanese officials reportedly told R-CALF in a recent meeting with them -- that R-CALF's actions have helped delay the time that it will take Japan to resume imports of American beef. Japanese sources told me that, "R-CALF officials were perplexed when we told them they are part of the problem."

    A Japanese official told me the following:

    "R-CALF's actions will actually delay the re-opening of the Japanese border. Current actions by [U.S.] Senators and House members have stimulated the Japanese media and Japanese consumer associations to start an opposition campaign. This will delay the internal Japanese review process, especially the risk-communications process for consumers.

    "In addition, your (R-CALF) actions are increasing [the U.S.] Congress's frustration and their elevated political pressure on Japan is only complicating the issue opening the Japanese border. Political pressure or interference is not assisting in the normalization of beef products between our two countries.

    "When R-CALF points to the risk of Canadian beef, you are increasing Japanese consumers' anxiety for U.S. beef, because we believe the risk of beef from both countries is similar. And if you point to the risk of Canadian cattle, you are ignoring the function of removing SRMs (Specified Risk Materials) as the internationally accepted food safety measure and area also increasing Japanese consumers' anxiety for U.S. beef."

    To recap, several Japanese officials told me last week that...

    -- Japan views the U.S. and Canada as an integrated market and as Japan nears resuming American beef buys, it will be hard to communicate to the Japanese public and definitely Japanese consumer groups if the U.S.-Canadian border is still closed.

    -- It will be July or August before Japan makes a final decision to resume U.S. beef imports -- and that is assuming "no more litigation delays."

    -- Regulatory comment periods ahead: There are two four-week comment periods coming up via the Japanese regulatory process on this topic.And there is a likely one-month timeline for revision of ministerial ordinances regarding domestic BSE measure. That's nine weeks and does not include the time it will take to issue a final report on the consultations to resume beef trade.

    -- Powerful Japanese consumer groups must be dealt with: U.S. officials, farm-state lawmakers. and farm group representatives continue to underestimate the sensitivity of BSE issues among powerful Japanese consumer groups.

    -- Political pressure on Japanese officials and agencies is a negative in getting a timeline established regarding resuming American beef shipments.This includes the talk President Bush had last week with Japanese Prime Minister.

    -- Japanese domestic producers do not benefit from the Japanese import prohibition. Japanese calf prices are at a record high. This has reduced profits for feeders in Japan. If feeders lose economic power, Japanese calf producers will lose their markets. Numerous BBQ restaurants in Japan have closed and that has reduced potential demand for beef in Japan. "Keeping the border closed to U.S. beef is not in the interest of Japanese beef interests," the Japanese officials concluded.


      The actual ad can be seen at:



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