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Alberta Beef Producers Town Hall Meeting

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    I'll be amazed if anyone turns out to hear what these clowns have to say. They have no credibility left. None. They have done absolutely nothing since this crisis hit us and if they had any self-respect they'd resign. As far as coming out to hear any of these guys speak--what for? Do you really think you're going to learn anything? I'll tell you what--you're going to learn a lot more from the guys on this site than from anyone you talk to at ABP. What makes any of you guys think these guys are worth listening to? Just blind faith?
    It would be a whole lot better message to them if no-one at all showed up for any of their meetings. Then they'd know they were just talking and talking and talking to themselves which is what they're best at anyways.


      Regarding the Rimbey and other Zone 6 local papers, it is very unfortunate that the deadlines have been missed. My understading is that because of the Easter holiday, there was an abbreviated deadline. ABP was waiting for a reply from the minister's office to see who was going to represent them at the meeting and as a result cut things a little too short.

      On the other hand, over 70 radio spots have been booked.


        They've got lots of money to hold meetings everywhere and book 70 radio spots and advertise and all this other bs but nothing in the way of support, either financial or verbal, for kaiser's group when they are actually trying to do something that would actually benefit us--build a packing plant that we could own and benefit from.
        ABP is all form and no substance.



          farmers_son. You are missing the point. If you want ABP to change their position, expressing an opinion on this forum will probably not have much effect. However, if there are 600 people, or even 30 who are united and speaking with one voice, I am convinced ABP will hear you. If you want a grassroots organization to represent you, the grassroots producer must be present and willing to speak.

          It is my feeling, that the position of ABP has changed dramatically since this last border closure. No more Mr. Nice Guy. It's up to the producers to find out if this is true. Get out and make things happen if you are not satisfied. It's time to request the tune you want to dance to? How do you expect your representatives to work for you if they are working in a vacumn.


            An interesting point. The reason for having Town Hall Meetings is to create an opportunity to communicate with grassroots producers; to let them know what they are proposing to do to represent you. Now you say its not worth going to hear what they say? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

            If you think BIG proposal needs support, the government and ABP are represented. Let them know what you think, hopefully in a civil and productive way.


              pandiana, well I think the approach you advocate has already been tried, repeatedly, by mr. kaiser and others who have basically been ignored, ridiculed and laughed at. So it's way past the time of endless chatter, in my humble opinion.
              As far as being civil is concerned, I would like the ABP delegates to be polite to all of us and tell us just what exactly they've done since BSE hit us. Not talk but action. The answer, as well all know, is Nothing. There are all sorts of actions that could have been taken, from trade protests, to advocating full testing to supporting packing plant proposals, but they have done zero. So, yeah, I guess I have no respect at all for them and would like to see them disbanded. At least I wouldn't be paying them for their inaction then. And as far as these meetings go, I think we should show them exactly what we think of their organization and not have one seat filled. Why anyone in their right mind would want to go to these meetings is beyond me.



                kpb One voice counts as one voice. If you want to influence you must speak with many voices.

                As far as what has been done by ABP, how would you know? If you don't ask questions, how do you expect to get answers?


                  pandiana, with all due respect to you, your question was "How do I know that ABP hasn't done anything", is it not self-evident that nothing has been done? Do you see any difference in our industry in the last two years, any changes that have been brought about by ABP action? Come on, people have proposed many ideas to ABP over the past two years and they've all been disregarded. And there are many things that could have been tried, as I suggested in my last post. Lastly, it is surely not my job to seek out all the little crumbs that ABP may or may not have done. It is the organization's job to actually do something--I pay them after all. And since I pay them, I think I have the right to demand some action or, in this case, the right to see them disbanded.
                  If you are an apologist for ABP, that's fine, but I'd like you to answer one of my questions--what concrete thing has our representative organization done to help us in the last two years? And why are kaiser's proposals, which surely do not represent just one voice as you so blithely note, always ridiculed by ABP?
                  This is a self-serving organization that does not represent anyone and should be disbanded.



                    Pandiana, Is there a Government minister planning to attend or what minister was ABP waiting on?
                    The missed deadline due to Easter holiday doesn't fly as that affects this weeks deadline which will come out in print next week. Last week there were no early deadlines to my knowledge.


                      the cost to hold these town hall meetings isn't excessive and as a producer I don't have a problem with part of my checkoff going to public meetings to provide producers with current information and the opportunity to ask questions.
                      I think that this type of meeting provides us with a much better opporunity to ask pertinent questions or make comments on the achievements or lack of them from ABP, whereas at Zone meetings we listen to campaign speeches from would be delegates.
                      I do hope that the chairs are full, empty chairs isn't going to send any message because many of the zone meetings also have a vast amoung of empty chairs due to apathy !!


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