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Mark Purdey

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    Mark Purdey

    I received this email from Mark Purdey and pass it on for everyone’s information. I do not have a link, but there is more to the email that is very technical. It should be noted that Mark has paid a big price for standing up for what he believes. I am going to be making a donation to him.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    Subject: Auburn Uni Research data triumphs my own metalmicrocrystal TSE origin theory.

    Dear All,

    I am circulating this email to my entire address book, since I am both jubilant and annoyed by the fact that the notice of patent application from researchers at Auburn university ( enclosed at the end of this email) demonstrates that my years of trudging around the global outbacks collecting analytical data from the cluster foci where the BSE group of diseases have emerged, has been experimentally validated - to the finest degree !!

    Geochemical analyses of the soils and foodchains that supported these TSE affected populations has produced some very convincing data. This has enabled me to generate a hypothesis which proposed that exposure to certain types of metal microcrystal - largely resulting from sources of pollution by military munitions - underpins the primary cause of these diseases. I proposed that these microcrystals acted as nucleating agents in biological tissues, whereby they entered the brain via the nasal olfactory or gastro tract, and bonded up with various proteins ( the ferritin and prion protein ), seeding the growth of substantial metal protein crystals (eg; the fibril structures seen in the TSE diseased brain ) which disrupted electro transmission and the turnover of growth factors in the brain. My work has been published in the academic literature over the years, and can be found on the pubmed and medline databases.

    It seems that the Auburn research has concluded the core of my hypothesis. Furthermore, I have also recently reviewed a paper for publication in a biochemical journal which described research that had introduced my aberrant mineral formula into a prion protein cell culture model. When these researchers had subjected the treated cells to the 'Prionics BSE test', the test had recorded a BSE positive result !! The untreated control cells recorded a BSE negative result.

    Whilst this experimental validation of my environmental data and hypothesis is good news indeed, I feel annoyed that the British government has got away with the outright rejection of my research observations and political discrediting of my personal integrity over many years. In fact, their sustained campaign to invalidate and obfuscate the true relevance of my work has been so effective, that all of my lecture work and research funding has dried up - leaving me unemployed and living on state benefit today ( apart from bringing in abit of supplementary income from 'hand pulling' turnips two days a week ). This is a very ironic state of affairs in light of the recent laboratory revelations.

    Had the global health authorities taken serious note of my observations when they were first published in the scientific literature, then we would have got to the root cause of this grotesque disease several years ago - thereby preventing much human and animal suffering, as well as economic upheaval across the world. It is a disgraceful state of affairs, that the mere arrogance and ignorance of a handful of powerful unilateral official advisors can be allowed to thwart the healthy evolution in our understanding of the causes of important modern diseases , such as TSEs. Governments need to be sourcing their advice from a more lateral base of independent expertise in future.

    Best wishes,

    Interesting developements, Purdey undoubtedly is a true scientist with a quest for knowledge unlike so many "mainstream" scientists who are afraid to upset their political or Corporate masters and sponsors by being controversial.
    As you say he has paid a hefty price over many years for his outspoken views. The British Government have been involved in a dirty tricks campaign against him since the outset. They have fought him all along because if his theories prove correct they are liable for astronomical losses suffered by livestock producers in the UK and possibly overseas.


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