Well Linda I will admit I voted for the Green Party last time! I figured they were a nice safe protest party.
And I suspect that a spring election would not put any party in a viable position to effectively govern the country. I do believe however that this is a good thing?
Consider this scenario...solid Conservative vote in western Canada, wishy washy Ontario support, a BLOC sweep in Quebec, and of course solid Liberal support in the Maritimes...and probably a hostile PQ provincial government within a year? I would say that scenario could be a western seperatists dream? So that is my rationale for voting Conservative!
However, I fail to see how anyone can support proven thieves...not politicians who weaselled out of a promise, but blatant thieves? And furthermore Martin can't shirk the fact he was the finance minister while all this was going on? He was either totally incompetent or he was as dirty as the rest? I suspect the latter.
And I suspect that a spring election would not put any party in a viable position to effectively govern the country. I do believe however that this is a good thing?
Consider this scenario...solid Conservative vote in western Canada, wishy washy Ontario support, a BLOC sweep in Quebec, and of course solid Liberal support in the Maritimes...and probably a hostile PQ provincial government within a year? I would say that scenario could be a western seperatists dream? So that is my rationale for voting Conservative!
However, I fail to see how anyone can support proven thieves...not politicians who weaselled out of a promise, but blatant thieves? And furthermore Martin can't shirk the fact he was the finance minister while all this was going on? He was either totally incompetent or he was as dirty as the rest? I suspect the latter.