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CAIS payment

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    CAIS payment

    I received my CAIS payment today which amounts to over $200 per cow. I spoke to the accountant who is warning people not to spend the money too fast - apparently Alberta was forced to write some cheques in a hurry or risk the Feds moving in and taking the program away from Alberta's jurisdiction.
    They basically cut cheques for anything that was likely to be under $50,000 but have not gone into the details of each claim yet so the big payouts may be "re-adjusted" (read reclaimed)in the future. Isn't that kind of irresponsible in the current financial climate? - a bit like throwing a drowning man a life preserver with a hole in it.
    How is CAIS progressing in other Provinces?

    Also received a TISP payment which I take to be the headage part of the last bailout package. It came to $10 cow - hardly enough to make a difference to a producer but enough nationally to have built some processing capacity?

    grassfarmer wrote:
    Also received a TISP payment which I take to be the headage part of the last bailout package. It came to $10 cow - hardly enough to make a difference to a producer but enough nationally to have built some processing capacity?

    That was exactly what I thought when I got that cheque in the mail. Better than a kick in the a** but I would have been alot happier to see it go to slaughter capacity.


      You know they have us snookered guys. If we were to send the money in to a producer owned packing facility, only about another 4-5% of the producers would follow. Wouldn't be enough. Can't blame those who need the cash either.

      Hard to unstand why the powers that be will show no support for a concept that would not cost the taxpayer squat, and would be an oportunity for the industry to dig itself out of this hole.

      Cash your cheques folks, and find a way to use some of it on yourself and your family. Government is idling in neutral, and Industry leadership still marches to Uncle Sam.


        I received $319.00 , and a friend received $6000 after his accountant had been advised that he would not receive anything!!!!


          I got my $15 per head cheque but only a few hundred $$$ out of the other program.


            I got my $15 per head cheque but only a few hundred $$$ out of the other program. Better than a kick in the @$$ but I think they should drop some $$ into a packing plant!!!! Keep up the work randy and Big C maybe you'll get it through some hard heads in Ottawa. Do you think a change in parties in Ottawa will help?


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