On beef cuts I read today in connection with the beef cutting class at Olds college that "although niche markets may want smaller steaks the trend overall is pointing toward a demand for larger animals that will provide enormous roasts and T-bones."
That really surprised me as we have heard for years now how all the single parent households and smaller families are leading to demand for smaller cuts.
Our own experience selling grassfed beef has been that many under 40 year old city consumers buy only steaks and have never cooked a roast of any size and don't know how to. Once you demonstrate how easy it is they love the roasts - should this be an area for BIC to look at? Country people by contrast are happy with roasts and also the hamburger. Neither set of customers were all that keen on T-bones when offered the option of NY steaks and tenderloin as an alternative. Maybe 1 in 5 picked the T-bones.
That really surprised me as we have heard for years now how all the single parent households and smaller families are leading to demand for smaller cuts.
Our own experience selling grassfed beef has been that many under 40 year old city consumers buy only steaks and have never cooked a roast of any size and don't know how to. Once you demonstrate how easy it is they love the roasts - should this be an area for BIC to look at? Country people by contrast are happy with roasts and also the hamburger. Neither set of customers were all that keen on T-bones when offered the option of NY steaks and tenderloin as an alternative. Maybe 1 in 5 picked the T-bones.