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How common is this?

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    How common is this?

    Met a farmer last week on a gas lease. The lease is basically in the middle of a large pasture(probably 320 acres). Anyway we had a good visit, roasted the government etc.! He had a really good setup with flowing springs that he had set up into a very good system using gravity feed. Had a really good corral set up made up of oil field pipe.
    Him and his son were running 180 black and red baldies and calving right now. Looked like a pretty decent bunch of cows.
    Anyway, heres the story: He was in his early sixties, the son mid thirties. The son had been working winters in the oil patch while the old man fed out the cows. The son was getting sick of supporting the cows and having to work so far from home as he had a young family. They had come to the conclusion that if the border doesn't open this summer they might as well quit the cows. I asked him what he would do with his land? He said a neighbor had expressed interest in renting some of it that could be farmed and he supposed they might either custom graze or run some yearlings in the summer. Then he added that in reality when the cows went there really wasn't a lot of reason to stay. He was born and raised there and had never lived anywhere else.
    I found this whole conversation rather sad as I can see it happening everywhere? People just seem to be getting sick of this wreck and losing hope that things are going to turn around?
    This cow business sure hasn't been a whole lot of fun the last few years.

    Too bad the board of directore for ABP would not travel around the country and visit with folks like that. At least in Alberta we have the blinkin oilfield to fall back on.


      My neighbours run 180 cows, have a small trucking business as well. Last week they applied to subdivide a 5 acre parcel out of one of their quarters, they have decided that if the border doesn't open by fall, they are going to sell the cows, sell the land and say to hell with killing themselves trying to make a living. No-body is afraid of the work involved in the cattle business, but I think that people are just getting worn out with the mental stress of trying to jockey paying bills, having nothing left over for any luxury like a three day vacation somewhere etc.
      Randy, we are darn lucky to have the oil patch in this province, in many cases oil patch money is what is keeping some communities alive these days.


        Why does everybody get so hung up on the border opening? Do they really think feeder cattle will jump from their current levels to astronomical new heights - and stay there long term?
        There are just too many factors working against Canadian producers even if the border were to open. Sure, it will bring more competition and more bidders but enough that people will all be able to make a good living from cows again overnight? I personally think that our problems run deeper than that.


          grassfarmer, I think that closed borders certainly is one main cause for the crisis in the beef industry.
          I am sure if the border opens to live cattle and we keep the boxed beef moving we will see an improvement.
          Increased slaughter capacity should help the cow trade some, and any increase in prices is better than status quo.


            grassfarmer: I suspect if the border opened tommorrow we would see some pretty solid prices!....Maybe enough to bail and still keep the shirt on our backs?
            But I do agree the problems with the cattle industry run a whole lot deeper than that. The profits pre-BSE were poor! BSE just made them totally laughable?
            If you were an out and out capitalist, not interested in a lifestyle, would you invest in the cattle industry? ...not likely? The money was never really there and the old cost/price squeeze was happening long before we had BSE? Cam Ostercamp spells it out fairly well in his article?
            But whatever, that's just the way it is! No one can really change what is happening in North American agriculture? Everyone just needs to learn you either live with it or quit?


              When I read the original posts this morning I had exactly the same thought as grassfarmer. I had to go outside for a while and I see now that he has put those thoughts down in perfect form. The real problem is, I hate to say, that we, in Canada, are high cost producers of a commodity that many countries can produce for less money.



                Cowman, I agree when you say "Everyone just needs to learn you either live with it or quit? " that ultimately is the bottom line on an individual farm basis.
                I think we should still be actively involved as producers in trying to secure a better return for our product through influencing politicians or farm groups as well as being actively involved in resecuring our control of the slaughter industry.
                Either way this crisis will not see beef producers go out of business en masse and the prairies be empty of cattle. The alternative is grain production and it is a less attractive option than beef production. There will be casualties, there are in the best of times - but the majority will survive with a leaner fitter industry as a result. If things get really bad the price of land may even fall which allows us to produce beef cheaper again.
                Agriculture is an industry of change and if you aren't prepared to adapt you might as well get out.
                It was often said in the UK that the BSE crisis was as bad as the 30's - but I never heard that from anyone that lived through the 30's. That was a different kind of hardship when farms sat empty unless an estate found a willing person to pay the land taxes on a farm - if they were willing to do that they got the farm rent free. In Canada the 30's saw people just up and leave their farms with the clothes on their backs - we're a long way from being that desperate and for that we should be grateful.


                  and grassfarmer in the 'Dirty Thirties' we had drought, and NO HELP from the east !!! So those that survived were truly a hardy lot !


                    Before anyone thinks that I am older than dirt...I WAS NOT around in the Dirty Thirties !!


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