I have a cow that gets strange symptoms when she goes onto grass and I'm wondering if anyone could tell me what it is.
Within a day or two of getting onto foot high meadow brome/ quack/clover pasture in the spring she suffers a reaction. She starts shaking her head and walking with it close to the ground as if it is sore on top. Her eyes are a bit closed (kind of looks like what I used to feel like with a hangover)After a day or two of this her nose goes really purple and the skin peels and then the teats do the same.
She did this two years ago and her ears eventually were tender and the hair peeled off them as well as her udder becoming very red and sore and stopping the calf suckling. She recovered then by being shut in a corral with little grass until we had really knocked the milk off her - then she was fine to go back to grass again.
We don't have any noxious weeds that I'm aware of but it slightly reminds me of the type of reaction caused by a weed affecting their photosensitivity.
Could this cow just be allergic to something in the grass - nitrogen perhaps? not that it was heavily fertilised.
Within a day or two of getting onto foot high meadow brome/ quack/clover pasture in the spring she suffers a reaction. She starts shaking her head and walking with it close to the ground as if it is sore on top. Her eyes are a bit closed (kind of looks like what I used to feel like with a hangover)After a day or two of this her nose goes really purple and the skin peels and then the teats do the same.
She did this two years ago and her ears eventually were tender and the hair peeled off them as well as her udder becoming very red and sore and stopping the calf suckling. She recovered then by being shut in a corral with little grass until we had really knocked the milk off her - then she was fine to go back to grass again.
We don't have any noxious weeds that I'm aware of but it slightly reminds me of the type of reaction caused by a weed affecting their photosensitivity.
Could this cow just be allergic to something in the grass - nitrogen perhaps? not that it was heavily fertilised.