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Hey Cowman

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    Hey Cowman

    Was it you who had the recipe for the superdooper homemade electrolytes-I found a calf today lookin' a bit punky.

    It was Cowman but I noted down his instructions and have used it with great success.

    1.5 litres water
    2 tablespoons brown sugar
    1 tablespoon table salt
    1 raw egg
    1 tablespoon Javex bleach.

    Sounds crazy, and I must confess I missed out the bleach the first time but it works great and is cheap.


      Thanks alot


        An old cattleman told me that recipe for scours and it works for me. The concept is pretty simple? Salt and sugar are basically what is in a commercial electrolyte? The egg coats the stomach and attracts the bugs to it? The bleach kills off the scour bugs?
        This old fellow started using it when he had a BVD scour outbreak several years ago. Some other old boy told him about it.


          Hey, would anyone happen to have a recipe for "butter of anthony", it's suppose to be great for footrot. Unfortunately no one seems to know what the ingredients are


            cswilson: How did your calf turn out?


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