I think everyone on this thread better cool their jets. Anyone in Canada who thinks this is good news is simply living in their own little dream world. There is no way, absolutely no way, that this is anything but bad news for Canada.
Do any of you really believe that this will speed up the opening of the border? What do you see that makes you think the U.S., now wounded and with its pride pricked, is going to be more flexible and open about opening the border to Canada? This will make it more difficult, not less, to get our border open. The Americans always react to their difficulties by becoming more closed, more restrictive and more protectionist, not less.
I would kind of hope we'd take a broader view of what our Canadian industry needs to survive, rather than gloating because the U.S.--our largest customer by the way in case all of you have forgotten--has its own BSE. Or does it make sense to all of you to spit in the face of our biggest customer and then wonder why they won't do what we want? You guys must all vote Liberal.
Do any of you really believe that this will speed up the opening of the border? What do you see that makes you think the U.S., now wounded and with its pride pricked, is going to be more flexible and open about opening the border to Canada? This will make it more difficult, not less, to get our border open. The Americans always react to their difficulties by becoming more closed, more restrictive and more protectionist, not less.
I would kind of hope we'd take a broader view of what our Canadian industry needs to survive, rather than gloating because the U.S.--our largest customer by the way in case all of you have forgotten--has its own BSE. Or does it make sense to all of you to spit in the face of our biggest customer and then wonder why they won't do what we want? You guys must all vote Liberal.