It's a rather bold assumption f_s that there will be no consumer reaction to a domestic BSE case - it depends what happens next, whether they decide to admit there were other cows fraudulently tested negative that were in fact positive or whether new cases turn up. I hope this doesn't happen but I've seen it before and public reaction can change very quickly with the right chain of events and media badgering. The fact that this case was reinvestigated ultimately as a result of a consumer groups concerns shows that at least some consumers are aware of this issue.
Emrald1, yes it's nice to know that CBEF are spending our checkoff dollars traversing the world looking for new customers for the product of messrs Cargill and Tyson. Shame the producer doesn't get to share the bounty due to the monopoly of the US packers.
Still at least now the ABP chairman is speaking against the Cargill takeover of Better Beef - how he could have welcomed the takeover initially is beyond me. Maybe he got a phone call from Mr Tyson?
Emrald1, yes it's nice to know that CBEF are spending our checkoff dollars traversing the world looking for new customers for the product of messrs Cargill and Tyson. Shame the producer doesn't get to share the bounty due to the monopoly of the US packers.
Still at least now the ABP chairman is speaking against the Cargill takeover of Better Beef - how he could have welcomed the takeover initially is beyond me. Maybe he got a phone call from Mr Tyson?