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G8 Summit

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    G8 Summit

    Tomorrow the leaders of the world’s industrialized countries meet in Scotland for the G8 Summit. Martin is quoted in the press as planning to talk to Bush about global warming and climate change. The world leaders are also expected to pledge to work for a successful conclusion of the current Doha Round of global trade talks. Canadian officials said the leaders will discuss soaring oil prices.

    But wait…what happened to BSE? When Bush and Martin met at the G8 Summit a year ago in Georgia, USA they chatted about BSE and softwood lumber. This year the small talk will be about the weather. Last time I checked the border still wasn’t open. I guess they are just too busy to notice.

    The Bush Administration's STATED(wink) position on the border is that they are in favor of normalized trade. But,alas(sigh), the issue is tied up in the courts.
    GW to Martin- "I feel your pain and we are "trying", what more can I say...??"


      I see Martin is meeting with U-2s Bono before the G8 begins. You don't think they are talking about the border closure do you?

      However BSE is not totally forgotten. French President Jacques Chirac ruffled some feathers when during a meeting he remarked that "the only thing the British have done for European agriculture is mad cow disease."

      Now if our PM had made a remark something to the effect the only thing Bush has done for free trade is that cow from his home state of Texas then Martin would have been saying something.

      Instead the silence speaks volumes.


        I would not expect that Bush is going to roll over and play dead when our esteemed Prime Minister gives him a heart to heart talk about climate change or anything else for that matter. The mere thought of Martin being of the view that his discussions with Bush would make any difference is laughable. If Martin had any clout at all with the US the border would have been open in March !


          There is absolutely no truth to the rumour that the Brahma cow came from George Bush's Texas ranch.

          It is Bush's birthday today, he is 59. Will the G8 leaders sing happy birthday, I don't know. I'd join in on the chorus if it would open the border.

          Happy birthday dear Georgie...


            It looks as though international terrorism has once again hijacked the agenda at G8. There will be little time, even if motivated, to talk of anything but El Quaeda (sp) again. Farmers must learn how to get the attention of the powers that be.


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