As I understand it there are two appeals being heard today by the 9th Circuit Court. The first appeal is the USDA and the NMA appeal of the preliminary injunction Richard Cebull granted R-Calf. The second is NMA’s and ABP/CCA’s appeal of Cebull’s denial of their respective applications to intervene in the District Court on July 27.
Each “side” will have 10 minutes to make their case. In the one appeal the USDA and the National Meat Association (NMA) jointly have 10 minutes to present their argument as to why the preliminary injunction granted by Judge Cebull should be overturned. The USDA and NMA can divide their 10 minutes as they see fit. R-CALF will have 10 minutes to persuade the 9th Circuit that the preliminary injunction should be upheld.
Note that in the other appeal USDA is siding with R-Calf against the NMA and ABP/CCA’s respective applications for intervenor status. On March 9, NMA requested that R-CALF be required to post a bond to cover the economic impairment suffered by NMA members for the time that the preliminary injunction is in effect, should the Courts ultimately deny R-CALF’s petition. If the NMA appeal was successful, R-Calf would have had to post a bond amounting to millions of dollars which it is felt they could not afford to do and R-Calf would be forced to drop the court case. However the USDA opposed NMA’s petition to become an intervenor arguing that the USDA was in the best position to defend its rule.
The same rules for addressing the court applies to NMA’s and ABP/CCA’s appeal of the denial of their respective applications to intervene in the District Court. NMA, ABP and CCA will jointly have 10 minutes to present their arguments. It is anticipated that the NMA will have five minutes and ABP/CCA will have the other five minutes. The UDSA and R-CALF will side by side and arm in arm share the 10 minutes allotted their “side” to oppose NMA, ABP and CCA being granted intervenor status.
There is no guarantee the court will give their decision orally from the bench. The appeals court may even decide to not issue a decision, favourable or unfavourable, until after the hearing for the permanent injunction on July 27.
There is a list of appeals and dates at :
NMA members include ConAgra. NMA members can be seen at:
Each “side” will have 10 minutes to make their case. In the one appeal the USDA and the National Meat Association (NMA) jointly have 10 minutes to present their argument as to why the preliminary injunction granted by Judge Cebull should be overturned. The USDA and NMA can divide their 10 minutes as they see fit. R-CALF will have 10 minutes to persuade the 9th Circuit that the preliminary injunction should be upheld.
Note that in the other appeal USDA is siding with R-Calf against the NMA and ABP/CCA’s respective applications for intervenor status. On March 9, NMA requested that R-CALF be required to post a bond to cover the economic impairment suffered by NMA members for the time that the preliminary injunction is in effect, should the Courts ultimately deny R-CALF’s petition. If the NMA appeal was successful, R-Calf would have had to post a bond amounting to millions of dollars which it is felt they could not afford to do and R-Calf would be forced to drop the court case. However the USDA opposed NMA’s petition to become an intervenor arguing that the USDA was in the best position to defend its rule.
The same rules for addressing the court applies to NMA’s and ABP/CCA’s appeal of the denial of their respective applications to intervene in the District Court. NMA, ABP and CCA will jointly have 10 minutes to present their arguments. It is anticipated that the NMA will have five minutes and ABP/CCA will have the other five minutes. The UDSA and R-CALF will side by side and arm in arm share the 10 minutes allotted their “side” to oppose NMA, ABP and CCA being granted intervenor status.
There is no guarantee the court will give their decision orally from the bench. The appeals court may even decide to not issue a decision, favourable or unfavourable, until after the hearing for the permanent injunction on July 27.
There is a list of appeals and dates at :
NMA members include ConAgra. NMA members can be seen at: