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Hay...a mixed bag!

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    Hay...a mixed bag!

    With such a cold spring it is amazing how well some of the hay crops have done? It was very evident that fertilizer really was useful this year...well if the prices are good enough to pay for it!
    Got forty acres baled, stacked and covered, another forty acres down, should go today. Around three tons/acre. Never do a second cut, but might reconsider that as we have an abundance of grass.

    Glad to hear it's going well cowman. We've started looking for some hay to buy, and I can't believe how many guys don't test their feed. It's a helluva marketing tool in my opinion, and I won't buy feed without it.

    Anyway, good luck with the rest of your haying. Some days I miss haying, the smell of it fresh cut, but it doesn't work trying to put up hay on our place. We never seemed to get out what we'd put in.


      I agree, thats why we only put up 1/4 section of hay a year, the rest silage and straw bales from the grain crops. It's been so dry the last few years (even getting dry this year) that we made the switch and will never go back. We got sick and tired of getting only 1/2 bale an acre during the dry years and chronically short of feed.


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