I bet they wanted it too.
Just think, they have a workforce that's 60% immigrant, from a country that is as different from Canada as you can get. Break the union, and trust me, this will not be a good place to work.
The last place I want to put the reputation of my cattle is in the hands of a corner cutting, rush 'em through plant, full of low moral workers who will soon come to not care about the quality of their work.
After the past two years, "We can't afford to pay our employees" ain't gonna get much sympathy from us.
Just think, they have a workforce that's 60% immigrant, from a country that is as different from Canada as you can get. Break the union, and trust me, this will not be a good place to work.
The last place I want to put the reputation of my cattle is in the hands of a corner cutting, rush 'em through plant, full of low moral workers who will soon come to not care about the quality of their work.
After the past two years, "We can't afford to pay our employees" ain't gonna get much sympathy from us.