Well boys and girls and dreamers of all ages--hopefully you had your radio on today and heard Governor Switzer of Montana rally the troops state-side by saying that those evil mad-cow infested Canadian cattle will have to pay an entry tariff and be branded with a big CAN on the hip and be checked by their vets as they sure don't want any mad cows in their country. He is encouraging all the border states to follow his lead and hoping that states like Colorado and Ohio etc. will also charge for any Cdn cattle 'passing through' their state. You want to talk about being p...d --I am so mad tonight that I think I will never set foot in that country again. I would be happy to buy totally Canadian if I could find the product I need made by a Canadian company. Dream on if you think that for one minute the market will ever open to those bunch of tunnel-visioned, ignorant, self-serving Americans--they are a bunch of bullies--they take what they want from Canada and they take it at their price and this - as far as the cattle business goes-- is never going to change.
I have 'seriously' been in the cattle business for well over 30 years, and did not wish to leave it with a bitter taste in my mouth, but you know--if those of us 'less big' producers with 7 0 - 100 head cannot get a decent price for our cattle, then by all means, let the 'big, serious' guys get after it and then watch the price of beef go through the roof. It is enough to make me become a vegetarian! As far as ABP goes, once the feed lot boys got their foot in the door and did not have to be elected, then ABP was doomed to serve one segment of the industry alone. I was never in favour of a return of the checkoff fee, in order that advertising, budgeting and so forth could continue with some sort of plan, however, at this fall's meetings, I darn well will be suggesting that those of us who are 'not serious' in the business, need to keep all the cash we can muster and that we need our checkoff fees for shoes for the babies!
I have 'seriously' been in the cattle business for well over 30 years, and did not wish to leave it with a bitter taste in my mouth, but you know--if those of us 'less big' producers with 7 0 - 100 head cannot get a decent price for our cattle, then by all means, let the 'big, serious' guys get after it and then watch the price of beef go through the roof. It is enough to make me become a vegetarian! As far as ABP goes, once the feed lot boys got their foot in the door and did not have to be elected, then ABP was doomed to serve one segment of the industry alone. I was never in favour of a return of the checkoff fee, in order that advertising, budgeting and so forth could continue with some sort of plan, however, at this fall's meetings, I darn well will be suggesting that those of us who are 'not serious' in the business, need to keep all the cash we can muster and that we need our checkoff fees for shoes for the babies!