In all the releases I have seen in Montana, they say that the cattle to be tested are those that are "destined" for the State of Montana- which will be few since Montana has no slaughter houses and few major feedlots... That said Montana already has laws requiring brand inspections and health inspections on all cattle coming into the state, moving within the state, and changing ownership- and further requirements on cattle coming from TB or Brucellosis areas (Texas and Wyoming are 2 I can think of)...There is also a growing statewide outcry to put restrictions on South Dakota cows because of their vibrio-lepto outbreak.. Since many of these laws and inspections are already required it probably would not be illegal to require additional inspections from a BSE higher risk country- especially with the track record of ineptness USDA has shown to date.....
I agree that much of this is just blow by the governor who is looking for more confrontations with the Bush administration- He's been on CNN 3 times in the 200 days since being elected. Nothing he would like more than to get more TV coverage of the issue and himself...
And from what I can see Canadian producers are smiling like a pig in sh**- going back to the status quo of before...They will be backslapping their ABP and CCA rep and again riding on the backs of US producers- while doing nothing to to have an industry of their own...
It is too bad no-one in the world, outside Canada, even knows that Canada produces good beef- It all has to pass thru the US and get the USDA stamp in order to be marketed.......
I agree that much of this is just blow by the governor who is looking for more confrontations with the Bush administration- He's been on CNN 3 times in the 200 days since being elected. Nothing he would like more than to get more TV coverage of the issue and himself...
And from what I can see Canadian producers are smiling like a pig in sh**- going back to the status quo of before...They will be backslapping their ABP and CCA rep and again riding on the backs of US producers- while doing nothing to to have an industry of their own...
It is too bad no-one in the world, outside Canada, even knows that Canada produces good beef- It all has to pass thru the US and get the USDA stamp in order to be marketed.......