I think the major concern with the cattle going into Montana is to guarantee that they don't end up in any US herds- with the program before, USDA did little watchdogging and many cattle from Canada meant only for slaughter ended up in US cattle herds- as well as did many US cattle that went to Canada only to be fed, that ended up in Canadian herds...The branding should handle the problem, but in some areas of the US, they don't even know what a brand is...USDA has a very poor track record of being able to oversee any program- long history of ineffectiveness and corruption....
In my part of Montana 90% go to South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado to finish...A few years ago (around 2000-2001) their was many that went north one or two years- most sold on the Canadian video and handled by VJV and then after that few...Also many of those US producers that fed north of the border are going to be much more leary after seeing the slaughter house blockades of the US owned cattle that took place in Canada and found out that Canada has no law to protect them from such discrimination..That and the shakey status of the border ruling and the changing political atmosphere toward free trade agreements may slow down some US investments..
So that means we're back to status quo- except now the US producers can ship north year around which will allow yearlings that come off grass around here in early Sept to go north....
And Canadian producers are happy now back at status quo with the Packers having free run again to bounce cattle back and forth and manipulate markets on both sides!!!!! Give your CCA, ABP, NCBA reps a big KISS and BE HAPPY knowing the multinationals run the industry and every day you become more the serfs to them.....
I think the major concern with the cattle going into Montana is to guarantee that they don't end up in any US herds- with the program before, USDA did little watchdogging and many cattle from Canada meant only for slaughter ended up in US cattle herds- as well as did many US cattle that went to Canada only to be fed, that ended up in Canadian herds...The branding should handle the problem, but in some areas of the US, they don't even know what a brand is...USDA has a very poor track record of being able to oversee any program- long history of ineffectiveness and corruption....
In my part of Montana 90% go to South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado to finish...A few years ago (around 2000-2001) their was many that went north one or two years- most sold on the Canadian video and handled by VJV and then after that few...Also many of those US producers that fed north of the border are going to be much more leary after seeing the slaughter house blockades of the US owned cattle that took place in Canada and found out that Canada has no law to protect them from such discrimination..That and the shakey status of the border ruling and the changing political atmosphere toward free trade agreements may slow down some US investments..
So that means we're back to status quo- except now the US producers can ship north year around which will allow yearlings that come off grass around here in early Sept to go north....
And Canadian producers are happy now back at status quo with the Packers having free run again to bounce cattle back and forth and manipulate markets on both sides!!!!! Give your CCA, ABP, NCBA reps a big KISS and BE HAPPY knowing the multinationals run the industry and every day you become more the serfs to them.....