It seems like we get a little shower practically every evening. Not really enough to do much good but it sure has guys trying to put up hay pulling their hair out!
Everyday they go out and flip it can get washed on the other side! Some of it is getting fairly "black looking"!
Actually if you can resist the urge to flip it, hay can sit in the swath for quite a while and still come out not bad?
I wonder what hay prices will be like this year? Seems like there is still a lot of hay sitting around from last year? We got 2/3 of our hay put up with no rain, in small square bales, for the horse trade and rolled up the other third in big had one rain on it. The guy who bales, stacks and markets our hay to the horse market is asking $3/bale. He gets $1 from each bale and he charges hauling to the buyer on top of that.
It was a fairly decent crop, right around that 3 ton/acre. We cut it and raked it once so figure about $15/acre plus $42/acre worth of fertilizer! Excellent regrowth and we might go for a second cut if it looks promising or maybe we'll put the cows on it after a good hard frost.
Everyday they go out and flip it can get washed on the other side! Some of it is getting fairly "black looking"!
Actually if you can resist the urge to flip it, hay can sit in the swath for quite a while and still come out not bad?
I wonder what hay prices will be like this year? Seems like there is still a lot of hay sitting around from last year? We got 2/3 of our hay put up with no rain, in small square bales, for the horse trade and rolled up the other third in big had one rain on it. The guy who bales, stacks and markets our hay to the horse market is asking $3/bale. He gets $1 from each bale and he charges hauling to the buyer on top of that.
It was a fairly decent crop, right around that 3 ton/acre. We cut it and raked it once so figure about $15/acre plus $42/acre worth of fertilizer! Excellent regrowth and we might go for a second cut if it looks promising or maybe we'll put the cows on it after a good hard frost.