That 'white-faced' gene is a fascinating thing. Some of my cows that are 1/4 shorthorn or 1/4 hereford have been crossed with Black Angus, Red Gelbvieh, and now Black Galloway, and have had calves come out with more white on their face and neck than the cow! Explain that. Some cows have had solid black or red calves one year, then turn around the next year -BRED TO THE SAME BULL - and have a calf with a full bald face!?!
The only pattern I've noticed, is that the daughters who come out with more white than the dams, when bred black, their calves are always black. The odd spotted belly, white sock, star or snip, but no brockles or baldies. It's like that bald face has to have one last kick at the can.
The only pattern I've noticed, is that the daughters who come out with more white than the dams, when bred black, their calves are always black. The odd spotted belly, white sock, star or snip, but no brockles or baldies. It's like that bald face has to have one last kick at the can.