gf: I was told by a Manitoba Charolais bull breeder a few years back that our area is the worst place to sell in Canada, due our commercial breeders being extremely stingy with their money and not paying nearly as much as what breeders in the West will pay for bulls, cows, calves, etc. A good bull at a spring sale in Manitoba that sells for $2500 would only fetch $1600 tops in this area. Only area purebred breeders will pay over $2500 for a herd bull and over $1800 for cow/calf pairs. The commercial guys will not pay for breeding stock, and as a result, we as purebred breeders have to sell our stock cheap (Good deals for those out West that want good stock for lower than average prices). Alot of good bulls are sold for $1000 - $1500, Cow/calf pairs for $1000 - $1400, and bred heifers for $900 or less.
If cows were going over the border, than prices on everything would be about $200 - $300 higher than what I quoted.
If cows were going over the border, than prices on everything would be about $200 - $300 higher than what I quoted.