daretodiffer I agree with you ! cowman ,I'm a bit disappointed in you,your sounding like an oil-man rather than a cow-man,but I can see your angle as well,oil well that is ! I'd be the same if I had oil of my own !
What really ticks me off, is the 'BSE crisis', it never existed in the first place. We had a world class animal health surveillance system that worked. We found a potential threat ,removed it from the food chain. We have the safest beef in the world. It should have been business as usual,with a premium on our beef for being the safest in the world.Period.Instead we were derailed completely by a bunch of U.S. crack pots that played political B.S..A big ,protectionist ,self interested, uninformed bunch of dimwits ! And let me explain,, I have relatives & friends in Arizona,California,Michigan, and Mass. I was talking to a friend from Michigan last month and I mentioned the mess the beef industry was in and he says "that's too bad ,I hope you guys can get the hoof & mouth thing straightened out so you can get back in business !!"I kid you not !To them ,I'm the guy from "Canada" who lives in the igloo and hunts caribou and trades with the Indians.The first time one of my cousins was here he expected snow on the hills in August ,and was amazed we had paved roads and cable TV.He was 15 and lived in Boston and had no clue of the world beyond their own borders.
We need to stick together as a nation and not allow any sector to be bullied. Or I guess we need to act a little more'American"towards them. Oil stick up for beef,sticks up for pork or soft wood or what ever ,because at the end of the day ,when one suffers ,we all suffer a little and it compounds itself.
Having a bad day! 2 steps forward and 3 steps back is getting to be an old story.
What really ticks me off, is the 'BSE crisis', it never existed in the first place. We had a world class animal health surveillance system that worked. We found a potential threat ,removed it from the food chain. We have the safest beef in the world. It should have been business as usual,with a premium on our beef for being the safest in the world.Period.Instead we were derailed completely by a bunch of U.S. crack pots that played political B.S..A big ,protectionist ,self interested, uninformed bunch of dimwits ! And let me explain,, I have relatives & friends in Arizona,California,Michigan, and Mass. I was talking to a friend from Michigan last month and I mentioned the mess the beef industry was in and he says "that's too bad ,I hope you guys can get the hoof & mouth thing straightened out so you can get back in business !!"I kid you not !To them ,I'm the guy from "Canada" who lives in the igloo and hunts caribou and trades with the Indians.The first time one of my cousins was here he expected snow on the hills in August ,and was amazed we had paved roads and cable TV.He was 15 and lived in Boston and had no clue of the world beyond their own borders.
We need to stick together as a nation and not allow any sector to be bullied. Or I guess we need to act a little more'American"towards them. Oil stick up for beef,sticks up for pork or soft wood or what ever ,because at the end of the day ,when one suffers ,we all suffer a little and it compounds itself.
Having a bad day! 2 steps forward and 3 steps back is getting to be an old story.