How is it that countries like Australia and New Zealand can ship beef half way around the world and still out compete our cow beef? If we are averaging 30 cents a pound for live cows...what are they getting? Surely the cost of transportation must be fairly signifigant?
Why would the EU allow in beef from a country that has FMD? I thought Europe had about the highest health expectations in the world?
Apparently the European consumer doesn't want hormones in their beef so doesn't it make sense to give them what they want...if it makes sense? I think the reality is it just doesn't pencil out? Not a sure enough market to alter the whole North American market? The perception is that Europe is just using the hormone/GMO thing as an artificial trade barrier and if they didn't have that they would come up with something else?
Why would the EU allow in beef from a country that has FMD? I thought Europe had about the highest health expectations in the world?
Apparently the European consumer doesn't want hormones in their beef so doesn't it make sense to give them what they want...if it makes sense? I think the reality is it just doesn't pencil out? Not a sure enough market to alter the whole North American market? The perception is that Europe is just using the hormone/GMO thing as an artificial trade barrier and if they didn't have that they would come up with something else?