Willowcreek: Without a doubt both Cargill and Tyson buy a lot of calves up here in Canada to feed out and slaughter here. They have many "silent deals" with some very large feedlots...that really aren't all that "silent" if you know what I mean?
Without a doubt though there are a lot of Americans, other than Cargill/Tyson, buying calves up here to be fed out and slaughtered here. In fact I believe a lot of your R-CALF buddies and leaders were very active the last few years up here? So I suspect it could be some of them? Which is okay, we will sell them to whoever wants to pay! Maybe you should ask Leo how many he's got on feed up here?
This whole spaying heifers thing is complete drivel. Do you really believe that this makes sense?
You like to pretend that somehow you were "imposed" upon by blue tongue and the other disease? Get over it! We have basically compromised our herd health so you wouldn't weep over a small test! Remember you also require tests for TB and bangs that in reality are unreasonable? We don't weep and wail we just get it done!
Over the last century there has been a huge movement of genetics back and forth over the border in both directions. Now because of an unreasonable protectionist group you want to put a halt to that? You guys are living in some kind of fantasy land.
Without a doubt though there are a lot of Americans, other than Cargill/Tyson, buying calves up here to be fed out and slaughtered here. In fact I believe a lot of your R-CALF buddies and leaders were very active the last few years up here? So I suspect it could be some of them? Which is okay, we will sell them to whoever wants to pay! Maybe you should ask Leo how many he's got on feed up here?
This whole spaying heifers thing is complete drivel. Do you really believe that this makes sense?
You like to pretend that somehow you were "imposed" upon by blue tongue and the other disease? Get over it! We have basically compromised our herd health so you wouldn't weep over a small test! Remember you also require tests for TB and bangs that in reality are unreasonable? We don't weep and wail we just get it done!
Over the last century there has been a huge movement of genetics back and forth over the border in both directions. Now because of an unreasonable protectionist group you want to put a halt to that? You guys are living in some kind of fantasy land.