Could anyone fill me in one fiil me in on the in and outs of purchasing generic ivomec in the U.S. I understand that it is no problem as long as the volume you are purchasing is for ones own use. Any info would be appreciated especially from anyone who has done this and would have a contact name of a supplier in Montana.
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cross border ivomec shopping
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Some Canadian will have to fill you in on if its still legal or not-- Last I heard is that Canada was trying to outlaw it- and your CCA ( NCBA's bedpartner with the multinational corporations) was supporting the ban.....
But I do know in the last few months there have been lots of cases delivered to the ports to meet Canadian ranchers- all you would have to do is call Western Ranch Supply in either Billings or Great Falls and they would meet you at the border the next time their route man is delivering.....Last price I heard was about $80US a jug.....
Despite my feelings about having nothing anything to do with Montana ever again in my life.
Western Ranch supplies has an internet site that lists both of their locations as well as phone numbers.
The Cost is equivalent to around 95.00 Canadian as of this morning.
Check and see if you are on a quality assurance program of any kind first. The generics don't have a drug identification number, and may not be allowed.
Ivermectin degrades in UV light too, so don't buy anything in a clear container, or one without an airtight seal to keep out oxygen which also degrades it. This applies to the brand names as well, so perhaps storing a part bottle of anything isn't a good idea. (Freezing does help it maintain it's quality though)
There's apparently a fairly major difference in the effectiveness of one or the other. Maybe because of the packaging? Mmm...??
Has anyone here tried this stuff? Did you like it? I've heard a lot about people buying it, but nothing about how it worked for them.
Also, I'm not sure what Ivomec is doing, but Dectomax is pretty much half the price of last year. I guess it can be done....
Talked to a salesman at Western Ranch Supply.
THey will ship to whatever USA address that you want and then you pick it up there, and how you get it accross is your business. They are not allowed to ship accross the border.
Checked out their pices though: In US dollars all 5 litre Pour Jugs
Generic - $63 or $0.76/cow
Cydectin - $295 or $3.54/cow
Ivomec - $260 or $3.12/cow
Dectomax - $325 or $3.90/cow
All dosages are 1mL per 22 pounds so quite a difference in cost for a 1300 lb cow. Even adding 20% for exchange still less then CDN pricing on the Generic product. The brand names are close to comparable...
There is a list of ivermectin products, various sizes and brands including price at:
I do not know if this place offers good prices or not. They show five liters of Dectomax is 339.95 US. or about $400 Canadian. Our local UFA has generic ivermectin at $350 for 5 liters and Ivomec at $435. I paid $530 for 5 Li of Dectomax last fall but it included a rebate if I also bought Cattlemaster and I don’t recall the details of that program. This year our local vet is selling Dectomax for $350 per 5 liter jug and Ivomec at $435, the same as the UFA.
Willowcreek: I have contacted the CCA to confirm your comment concerning the CCA wanting to ban the importation of U.S. ivermectin. As is the usually case, the truth is less spectacular than the rumour. The CCA position is that animal health products used in Canada must be approved for use in Canada. On this side of the border the view is that R-Calf would be the first to bitch or raise issue with non-approved products being used. Any excuse to close the border even longer. Frankly I think R-Calf can take their positions and blow it out their ear.
Would R-Calf ban the importation of Canadian live cattle if they are poured with U.S. Ivomec?? (As if there is such a thing as Canadian Ivomec, it is all U.S.) How does that affect country of origin? What does it take for the U.S. to accept our live cows and calves? What if the ear tags are made in the U.S., would that encourage R-Calf to accept free trade? Or do we have to feed U.S. corn! Would that make a difference? Why is it OK for us to buy American products but not OK for Americans to buy our live cattle and beef. How about I buy U.S. Ivomec and you buy my cows. They have about as much BSE as your cows.
Thanks for all the good input. I to always try to shop at home but grains and cattle are priced on a world market, so it would be nice to purchase our inputs on a level playing feild. I think for the money saved, I will go the cheap route. The saved money will go to my support of the cull animal plant at Spruce Grove.
farmers_son-- I'll bet a lot of that US beef being shipped back into and eaten in Canada came from cattle that were poured with the Generic Ivomec...Makes CCA's argument sound a little wishy washy- except with them being tied to NCBA and the big corporate interests like they are, its not surprising...
I bought several jugs in Billings last year and used it- and I know several R-CALF members that used it- I liked it as good as the name brand- especially since they have all dropped most of their guarantees...I Ordered more for this year- altho I usually switch between Cydectin and Ivomec every other year or two to keep from building up an immunity- but at the price difference will go with generic ivomec again until the Cydectin patent expires....
Doesn't take a CPA degree to figure out the difference between $.75 head and $3.50-4.00....
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